Night 01:50 (Naughty pt.1)

Clayton still can't get his mind straight, he's still thinking about his new partner Hailie Corleone so many mysteries about her. First, why would a elite class lady does a dirty job like him, they have power, fame, money everything because most of the elite came from criminal organizations the Brotherhood of Freedom, the winner of the third world war.

"Why would I think about her?! She's not my friend or girlfriend, she's no one! Ughh...I really need to clear my head from her... it's really pain in the ass...! I need some booze" instead going back home, he's going to a local liquor store and buy a bottle of scotch whisky and pay it at the cashier, and then he get inside his car then he drinks it until he's head get lighter and sobering up, he drives back to his apartment. Inside his apartment, normally he's back while Kylie still asleep but this time he's already waking up and make some breakfast

"Morning, Clay how's your job?" he asked him

"I can't tell it...because...I still got the payment, yeah, but it's about my partner she's a strange one..." he explained to him and suddenly Kylie notice something that came out from Clayton's mouth " did you just say 'she'?"

"Yeah, something's wrong ? Her name is Hailie Corleone by the way, she wields a katana"

"No it's okay, I'm just surprised that a girl can do a dirty job like you do Clay" she smiles at him

"I'm surprised too, I need to look at the TV's news"

"I thought you don't trust news, Clay. Why sudden changes? I think it was a bad idea to watch the news after doing your job" he warned him, while preparing their breakfast

"I just want to watched it for a while" he replied while turning the TV on, the news about the four mass murder in four different locations and no citizens witness it, first the Gulag Boyz's crack house, second the Naughty Cows & Cats strip club, third the Downright Inc. fishing company, and last one is unknown warehouse on 103th Bell Street, near the Blueberry Station and 5 miles from Naughty Cows & Cats the newscaster interviews the Rosewood Police Department detective, Natalie Reynolds about the incidents with the information she collected so far, the killer must be fully trained and someone strong must be backing them up the reason she said that it's because strength is never be free, everything came with a price. The newscaster gave the viewer an conclusion that murderer is an evil person that must be put into justice

"WHAT FUCKING JUSTICE, HUH?! THIS COUNTRY ITSELF HAD BEEN CORRUPT FROM THE FUCKIN' BEGINNING, EVER SINCE THAT COWARD NAMED ADDAMS SURRENDER FOR HIS OWN FUCKIN' PROFIT!!!" he screams till his neighbor asked him to tuned down his voice because it's still 08:00 a.m. in the morning, Kylie also try calm him down "I told you, it was bad idea, Clay. Don't watch those news anymore, like you say to me they only want to get profit"

"Yeah, but this time they went too far! Sayin' people that killing the crime organization is an evil person, I signed up this job not because I have to, because I need to open peoples eyes that they also can be a vigilante, they don't need money or luxuries they only wanted freedom and fair living like this country normally was!" he explained why he was outraged before to Kylie, then he apologized to him and their neighbor after that they enjoy their breakfast.

After finish up their breakfast, Kylie cleaning their dishes and Clayton answering his phone again but not from the unknown caller, instead it comes from Hailie asked him to meet her in Floral Central Park

"Kei, can you watch the apartment again by yourself? I need to meet my friend, Hailie the one that helped me finish my job" he asked for Kylie permission before he go to meet Hailie

"It's ok, Clay I can watch our apartment and I can handle our groceries by myself, so don't worry about me" he said to him then give a goodbye kiss to him

Meanwhile, in the Floral Central Park

Hailie is getting so many attention while waiting for Clayton, it annoys her a lot cause people already start talking about her looks and appearances, she wore a black leather jacket with a fur on the neck and wrist area, under her jacket she wore white halterneck showing her belly a little, for her lower part she wore navy blue jeans hot pants and for the shoes she wore a pair of high heels boots.

Girls in the park staring at her expensive clothing, while the boys staring at her nice curvy body and also her Double D tits, after 10 minutes enduring the people's staring Clayton's just come and calling her name made the boys envious to him, how come an old man with an old muscle car became a boyfriend with hot and beautiful girl.

"What took ya so long? People start starin' at me while I waitin' for you, I don't like a little bit about it!" she said and pout her face to him

"Sorry, the traffic is all messed up near the 14th Ripper Avenue because so many police, reporters and crowd of people gathered there, because you know that incident..." he tried to explain her why he's late to meet her

"Excuses, excuses, and that incident is caused by you after all. So back to business then, you ready for our date?"

"Wait! What date?" he surprised after hearing the word 'date'

"Ehhhh!! Don't tell me you're forget your promise from the last job!!" she's pouting again, "alright, alright, jeez...stop shouting and pouting, you're already in the thirties like me after all..." he replied to her to stop her whining

"What thirties? I'm not that old, you know! I'm still 25 years old!"

"Alright...alright...let's just focus on the date! Where do you want to go? After all you're the one who gave the idea for date" he's saying that to stop her whining again, she's born from the elites after all, of course she act like a spoiled girl

"I always wanted to go to the central of Rosewood City, the Mahogany Commercial District!! I heard they got some nice and high quality goods, also their restaurant are very tasty I wanted to try it!!"

"Huhhhh...ok, ok let's go to Mahogany Commercial District, let's go to Blueberry Station first" he's calming her childlike like doing some bunny hop. "YAY! I REALLY IN LOVE WITH YOU RIGHT NOW, CLAY!!" she's shouting in front of many people caused some people staring at both of them again

"I told you to stop screaming! It's embarrassing people start looking at us!" he told her while closing her mouth with his hand.

When they're arrives at Blueberry Station, they wait for the train to stop at their location, after the train stop they get inside and waiting for the train stops at their destination Oak Station, Mahogany Commercial District's train station, while waiting he's thinking about Hailie, she's already 25 years old but still acts like a spoiled brat always whining and pouting, jumping around while she's happy, and then he just remember Kylie, he's still 18 years old that means he's younger than her but he's not childish like her, maybe it's because Kylie is not born from elite and he did sell his body just for his living. Hailie is also thinking about Clayton, how can a commoner like him has a muscular body and kno how to handle a firearms, "he must be from the military" Hailie murmuring to herself, 15 minutes later they arrive at Oak Station

"Mmmhhh...finally I can smell the nice city air than that slum, no hard feelings!" she's smiling and Clayton's chuckled a bit, "none taken, Hailie" she looks at him and smile " let's go, Clay" then she pulls his arm to start shopping, Hailie really likes shopping, she enjoys it while Clayton not really enjoys it.

After 30 minutes enjoying and buying the clothes and accessories, they went to the Mahogany Commercial District's café, Green Latté while enjoying their snacks and sat near the window they notice four girls walk in front of their window and entering the café, the customers staring at them, the first one with light tanned skin, cyan coloured ponytail hair, she's quite tall, but the most notable is she wore a a 70's yellow shades, the second girl with blushing skin, she had dark blonde hair tied to twintails and she wore a headband on top of her hair, the third one she looks like the old one, everyone can sees it, she had auburn coloured long straight hair, everyone enamored by her beauty she had the white pale skin and she notices a man staring at her, she smiles that makes the man fall in love with her, she had the cutest smile, the final girl she had not too long wavy blonde hair, from her appearance she had an Australian descent, she too had a pale beautiful asian skin. They both become the center of attention inside the café, because their beauty, Clayton and Hailie calls the waiter and paid off their snacks and leaving the café behind

"You know them ?" Clayton ask Hailie

"No, I didn't" she replies to him

Then both off them going back to their own home, inside Clayton's apartment Kylie is taking a bath and his phone ringing inside his pocket and he answers it

"Hello, hello, this is from Mark & Harl's Dinner! We're short handed right now, so we need a help right now, work start at 01:00 p.m. our place is at 201st Almtree Street in Mahogany Commercial District, DON'T BE LATE!! Payment will be sent to your account, for anyone who finish the job fast!! See ya!"


"It's another fight over job again, guess it's me and her again" he already prepare his tools and tells Kylie that he needs to go to work, Kylie said "OK!"

When he arrives at the old dilapidated industial area and he found a muscle car, an Harley Davidson's motorbike, an European super car, and Hailie's sport bike, he already guess it that the company already contacted by the company, so he start entering the building and found out Hailie standing and guards that already been dead, Hailie notices him and says "it's already like this when I came here, I didn't do anything..."

"Guess that explains the vehicles owner out there, other than yours and mine" he replies to her "let's go, Hailie"

"Ok! I'm on it !"

Both of them going up to the second floor with the old elevator that still working, and found dead guards again the wound on them are same like the guards they found on the first floor, slash wound, gunshot wound, blunt trauma that damages the vital organs, and

"Nothing's here, let's go to the third floor!" Hailie said to Clayton, "on it!" he replies to her.

Going up to the third floor they found two person that looks similar, the girl with auburn hair and pale white skin and the other one had blonde hair and pale asian skin, standing awaits their arrival

"Well, well, well, looks like someone about to enjoys the tasty dessert" Hailie and Clayton are preparing their weapon, "but before our bloodbath let us introduce ourselves !" the girl that had Korean descent and blonde hair her name was Jessica Moon, and the other one had auburn hair her name was Nam Hawyoung

"Our job is to stop any outsiders like you, while the other girls finish this job and get our money!" then those two shows their weapon, Jessica use a Joseon dynasty sword, and Hawyoung use an akimbo Uzis

"I'll handle them Clay, you go after the other two!" Hailie prepares her katana and Clayton leave them all behind, "be careful" he said to her, she replied him by nod

"Handle us, eh? 2 versus 1 is always stupid, you know? You're pretty but somehow stupid, time to say your prayer!" Jessica unsheath her sword, dash to Hailie and clashed her sword with Hailie's sword while clashing with Jessica, she notice Hawyoung is still preparing her guns she didn't want to disturbed her friend battle. It's a tough battle, Hailie never thought that her opponent as skillful as her.

Clayton still going upstairs with the elevator and finally stops at the fourth floor and found some dead guards, also found two girls waiting for him he didn't surprised a bit

"Hmmmm...I like this smell, men's body spray" the girl with cyan coloured ponytail hair wearing a yellow 70's shades suddenly came out from the dark room " I think I caught a nice one, a tall and muscular man, mmmhhh... I love that strong muscle!"

"Not FAIR!! I also want him!" the second girl with dark blonde hair tied to twintails make her appearance from another dark room while carrying a girl's magazine

"Ooopss...we forgot to introduce ourselves!" the girl with ponytail bend her body to Clayton and introduce herself, her name was Selina Maran and the girl with twintails do the same too, her name was Amber Ryu.

"I guess, I need to going pass through both of you to proceed to the final floor" Clayton said to them

"You don't have to, we can negotiate about the payment, tell you what you can forget the job and let us finish it, we'll finish it and share our money also some 'services' with both of us, so what's gonna be handsome?" Selina offers him some deal, while touching his abs

"We're not cold blooded like those two downstair, we always start negotiation first!" Amber suddenly leaning on his back and hug him, it startled him a bit but he still keeping his cool and he start examine his opponents weapons, Selina use The Boring Company's flamethrower so he finally figure out who create the burnt corpse while Amber wasn't carry anything, she only wear a belt that has so many flashbangs and smoke grenades and she also wears a damaged MMA fighting gloves proof that she had been training hard, "the combination between fighting glove and non-explosive grenades that means she can't handle the long-range attack, but to cover her weakness she used flashbangs and to hide from her enemy she used smoke grenades, that's clever!" Clayton murmuring to himself and suddenly Selina notice him didn't look at her a bit

"Hey, that was rude, you know? Not seeing at me while I give you my little service" she says seductively to him

"Sorry, girls but can we talk about business right now?" he said it with a strict voice, he sounded like to cover up his embarrassed voice and prevent him from getting boner

"Okay, then let's move to business!!" Amber and Selina releasing his body from their grip. Downstair, Hailie still fighting with Jessica, fighting with both of them is hard because when Hailie gained upper hand, Hawyoung start firing her Uzi's with blind shots causing Hailie broke of her attention so Jessica can counter her attacks by pulling dirty tricks, like kicking Hailie in her leg

"I already told you, fighting us is a grief mistake!" Jessica mocking Hailie, because she gained the upper hand again, "we play by our own rules, we play dirty to make sure that our enemy doesn't stand against us!"

"Guhh..! I didn't think far enough, they don't fight fair! Silly me, I'm looking down on both of them!" Hailie speaks in her own mind, while holding her enemy.