Night 02:00 (Naughty pt.2)

Jessica and Hawyoung still busy playing with Hailie by doing some dirty tricks, like broke off Hailie's concentration, kicking her belly while clashing their sword for almost one hour long until Hailie had enough of it, she starts coughing up blood some Hawyoung's bullet scratch her leather jacket and cut through her skin

"Hahahahaha!! Look at you right now! Struggling for stand up, my friend?" then Jessica stomp at Hailie's head, "know your place infidels! I'm always the strongest at swordmanship, right Hawyoung?"

"You aren't, you're just boasting your lies! I'm the one who win this fight, you always became my bait for every fight!" Hawyoung reloading her guns and checking if it's jammed or not

"You lookin' for a fight, miga?" Jessica clenching her fists, "no fuckin' weapon, ok?"

"Venga, let's do it BITCH!!" Hawyoung cocking her head left to right, then put her fighting stance.

Meanwhile at the fourth floor, Clayton's still negotiating with Selina and Amber while negotiating with both of them, they didn't let his arms go they still leaning on both of them

"I think we're negotiating right now, so can you please let me go?" Clayton blushed a little but they can't see his face, because he's wearing a mask

"We can start negotiate, but there's one condition!" they said to him, "what is it?" then both girls looking at each other then giggles "we need you to open your mask, we want to see our vigilante's face!"

Clayton surprised not because they ask to open his mask, but because they knew about his past job "how did you girls knew about my past jobs?" then Amber answer him with putting her index finger on her lips "it's a secret"

"Hhgghh... women always with their power words!" he's murmuring to himself, "alright...let's start out negotiation, but first I'll fulfill your request" Clayton's start pulling his mask off

"Atta boy, can't wait to see those handsome face!" Selina squeal a bit, finally both of them can see his face and to their surprise he's totally hot, he had some shaved beard and moustache, pale white skin, emerald coloured eyes, for a man at his thirties he's totally a lady killer, Selina and Amber enamored by his handsome face, they became wet and hot at the same time looking at him. "Mmmhhh....I think our negotiation gonna be longer and fun..." Amber's bitting her lower lip.

At downstair, Jessica and Hawyoung are still fist fighting to proclaim who's the best, while Hailie's still regainining her consciousness she saw those two punching each other "what are they doin'? Punching each other?!" she's murmuring to herself, they're having a match for about 10 minutes long and finally Jessica is the winner

"SEE?! I TOLD YA, I'M DA BEST AFTER ALL!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" she's boasting herself and laugh very hard while gripping Hawyoung's neck

" still the stupid one ya know..." Hawyoung's replied to her with her neck being hold by Jessica, "cause...while...we're fighting...that bitch is already throwing our weapons..."

"WHA?!" Jessica realized that their weapons already gone, she released Hawyoung from her grasp then start searching for Hailie "WHERE ARE YA HIDIN', BITCH ?! GIVE BACK MA WEAP-!" suddenly a karate chop drop on her neck and she fall down unconscious

"I better go upstair and help him" Hailie speak in her mind, she went upstair and found nothing but only dead bodies but there's no Clayton or his enemies. After 5 minutes of searching she finally found him still negotiating with his enemies, the girl with cyan hair starts kissing him and the other girl with dark blonde hair massaging his hips, Hailie became so wet looking at the scene she start to touch herself then she realized and stop

"Wait! What am I doing? I don't even know him, but why after looking at his face and the girls pleasuring him made me wet? We're just partner in crime! I bet he's already had a wife!"

Clayton hypnotized by Selina and Amber's services, then he realize and stop them before they can go any further, "I think we can stop right there, we're negotiating not having sex!" he pushed Selina then pull himself from Amber, then Amber replied to him poutting "Awww...come on, I almost gave you my ultimate pleasure...mmhmmhmm..." she giggled a bit and look at him seductively

"Yeah! We'll give you our ultimate pleasure like Shangri-La ever had! You won't regret it!" Selina start massaging his sholuder seductively, before they can seduce him again a smoke gas has been threw through the window, the girls are taken by surprise, while they're still coughing and panicking because the smoke, Clayton's hand pulled by none other than Hailie herself, "come on! we have to go now!"

They both reached the elevator and went upstair to the final floor the owner and VIP guests room, "you ready?" Clayton asked her

"I'm always ready, Clay!"

"I'm gonna kick this door, you watch my back!" Clayton gave her a command, "on me. 1...2...3!"


The door fall down and they both storms the place and found nothing, "what? nothing again, really?!" then suddenly a blade is stabbing his back, blood start coming out from his mouth and body and he can feel his life start to been taken away from his body

"MWAHAHAHAHAH!!! Clayton, Clayton, Clayton, you think I'm the 'good girl', huh?! Guess what? The first time meeting you I was only putting my 'good girl' mask!" turned out Hailie was the one who stab him from back

"Hrrgghh...Hailie...ghhghh...why're you doing this...?" Clayton asked her a question, then Hailie answer to him while kicking his weak body "this is my father's company, the Corleone Ironworks Company, now this company is mine since that old coot already died by my tasty drink that I made special for him!"

"So you're supporting the Brotherhood of Freedom?" he asked to her

"Of course! I'm the one who gave them weapons, I'm the one who spread your country weakness to them, my heart is always for the brotherhood! Freedom for the Future!!" after she spoiled everything to him, "you're weak and pathetic, your chivalric code is disgusting! So make sure, I don't get to see yo ugly face again!!! NIGHTY NIGHT, FAGGOT!!" then she stomps his face causing him fall unconscious.

While still unconscious Clayton's having dream, inside his dream he saw three persons wearing different masks, the left was wearing a masquerade mask, the right was wearing a gas mask and the middle was wearing the same mask as him

The masquerade man start ask a question to him, "WHO DA FUCK ARE YA?! YA AREN'T INVITED!! I DON'T LIKE YO FUCKIN' ATTITUDE!" he had the rudest voice everyone ever heard, then the gas masked woman start asking him a question too "oh my, are you hurt somewhere?" don't listen to him. He's rude as fuck, y'know? It's okay, you can stay here as long as your wish." she had the softest and calm voice, so Clayton did figure out that both of them are bipolar they always thinks differently and the last one, his impostor start telled something to him "You're still unconscious, I know...but I don't care about that! All I need is YOU to answer my questions. First! who are we? Second! who gave you the' jobs'? Third! do you want power? And the last one, who're we and why we have this conversation? You will found your answer after you woke up, until then we're always gonna be here" then three of them start disapearred beacuse Clayton is woken up and when he tries to move his body, it hurts like hell and found out that his body was full of bandages around his chest. He look around and found the four girls were idling by read some magazines, painting their nails, texting, and of course selfie, then one of them notice him waking up

"Oh! Girls, he's awake now!" Selina said to her friends and they stop idling and go to Clayton's bed side, he startled a bit then asked them a question "where am I? What are you girls doin' ?"

"We found you laying on your own pool of blood, you were lucky man. The attacker missed your vital organs, but you almost run out of blood so we carried you to our house since hospital wasn't a very good choice" Jessica explained about what happen to his body and some past events, then Clayton's remembering something and speak a name "Hailie!" then Amber asked him a question "you know her?!"

"She double-crossed me, I thought you girls are the evil one, I was wrong, Hailie tricked me from the beginning! THAT BITCH GONNA PA-!" he stopped cause his body still hurts, then Hawyoung calm him "easy big boy, easy..." after explaining to both of them, Clayton apologized for mistaking them to be the organization bodyguard, they forgive him because he doesn't really know about Hailie well

"Hailie Corleone, the new owner of Corleone Ironworks Company, the arms dealer of Brotherhood of Freedom, we've been tasked by the old goverment to captured or killed her, but you were interfering our job, so our strategies were to break both of you apart. But it's failed! She's pulling tricks on us by playing weak! She's stronger than us, she can take down professional hitmen with her only katana!" Hawyoung explained everything about her to Clayton, his reaction is only dead silence being bertrayed by his first female friend it made him depressed but somehow pissed

"I'm going back to my apartment...someone is need me back home..." he's woken up, get dressed and walk to the door, "oh!almost forgot! by the way, thanks for the help and the room, it's so comfortable" he came back to them and kissed them one by one on their lips, then he' going back home. The girls still stunned by his action, then suddenly

"WHAT WAS THAT?! I'M NOT DREAMIN' 'RITE?!" Jessica start screaming in joy

"NO YOU'RE NOT! OMG! I'LL GO CRAZY IF I SEE HIS FACE AGAIN! OMFG!! I FUCKIN' IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!" Amber also screaming in joy because the man he loved finally take her first kiss

"Next time when I see Lover Boy, I'll give him some nice and slow services...hmhmhm..." Selina thinking about what they gonna do in future, just two of them

"OHHH...!! WHY AM I SO WET AND HOT RIGHT NOW? I MEAN I JUST MET HIM!! OH GOD! OH GOD! OH GOD!" Hawyoung totally in heat and can't control her desire.