The Death

You woke up at 2 AM to have a morning jog but when you went downstairs, you saw Jungkook waiting for you, you remembered he always was gonna be with you so you won't get hurt. You went down and said "Hyung, Are you really this protective as my twin?", he nodded and said "Since you are my other half, I have the responsibility to make sure you come back here safely.", You had a one hour jog and went back. When you saw Yoongi come down, you wanted to hug him but you were sweaty so you went to change your clothes first.You came back down and said "Yoongi hyung, I don't have to teach them today since today is their debut, I feel so proud, Can you help me prepare my hair and dye it gold since I have to go with them today.", he agreed and said "Okay, but eat first since you need the energy.", You ate and got ready. When you were all set, you went to call them from their dorm.You knocked on the door and said "Time to go now guys.", When all of you arrived, you went to the leader and said "Don't be nervous, I am gonna be watching you guys. Do it well for me." He nodded and said "Ne sunbaenim!!", when they performed, they each looked at you and smiled.When they were done performing, you ran to them and hugged them and congratulated them. When it was your time to talk you said "I as their mentor, I was like them. My brothers mentored me to become who I am right now. I am like their brother who mentored them.I want to say that I am proud of them as like I treated them as my sons. I want to make sure their future would be bright as mine.I want them to teach others as well with my guidance.", All of you walked down and you called your brothers and said "Hyung, they finally debuted, meet us at K Pop Celebrity Paradise, we will celebrate there.",When you arrived and saw your brothers, you hugged Yoongi and said "I missed you so much even if it was just an hour.", he said "Of course, since you are my closest friend." You ran inside and ordered food. You ordered some cake to celebrate as your brothers ordered wine.When they tried to offer you wine, you refused but when Yoongi said "Try it, It's like Iced Tea, I promise.", you then drank more and more which made you drunk. When you finished your 10th cup, you fainted.Jungkook carried you to the car while Taehyung let you sleep on his lap. Yoongi said "Let RM drive." They arrived at Bighit and went back to their dorms. You were in your pj's since Kook brushed your teeth, gave you a bath, and put your clothes on. He laid you next to Yoongi, you were facing him and layed your head on his chest. He hugged you tightly and said "Good night, pup.", You woke up and checked your phone and you saw the news. Your parents died in a car crash trying to visit you. You went down and got a knife, you tried to stab yourself but Jin stopped you and said "What happened?!!" while hugging you. You told him "M-m-my p-p-parent-s-s d-i-ied t-t-trying t-t-to vis-s-s-sit me.", He calmed you down and said "Shhhhh, it's Okay. They will go to a better place now.", When Yoongi saw you crying, he knew what happened because he saw your phone. He went to you and said "Let Yoongi hyung hug you.", he calmed you down and called the others to calm you down.Jungkook said "Please don't cry, they wouldn't like you to do that even if they were dead, don't be sad, we're all here for you.", You cried on Jungkook's shoulder and said "Hyung, why is this world cruel to me?", he said "Don't worry, everything is fine. We love you very much,Even how much the world tests you, we will be here for you.", You cried on his shoulder but when Jin went to play "Boy with Luv", you instantly danced to the music. They were all confused but Jimin said "Oh, when he was a baby, when he cried, I played some songs then he stopped crying. He is also a blessing to us that is why he has each of our strengths. He got Jin's good cooking skills, me, Jungkook, and Tae's vocals, J Hope's Dancing skill and flexibility, RM and Suga's rap skills and our fears.He technically is the product of all of us.", they understood and said "J Hope try to defeat our own little brother.Let's see who is the best.", J Hope stood up and tried to defeat your skills but failed.You defeated him since you had many stamina.You forgot after the pain you felt a while ago. You were happy now. You went to Yoongi and said "Hyung, can we sleep early tonight?" He said "What, you want to sleep early?!!", you nodded and said "I am gonna let Jimin sleep next to me with Suga hyung but Kookie and Tae sleep next to each other.", you got ready and went to bed, you noticed they were already there waiting for you, You went between Jimin and Yoongi, you laid on Yoongi's chest while both of them hugged you.You hugged Yoongi and said "Hyung, when will you let me marry?" He whispered "When I get a round 3 tomorrow and you confess to her." You nodded and slept.You woke up seeing Yoongi next to you, you kissed him passionately and removed his shirt and kissed his neck and abs. You removed your clothes and his. You entered him and gave him a handjob while kissing him. Both of you came in the same time. You kissed him and put yours and his clothes back on and said "Yah, Today is the award day, I am gonna get awarded for "Best Mentor of the Year" and "Best Solo of the Year", all of you will be at the Melon Music Awards with me.", he woke up and said "Well, let's go then", In an hour you got ready and arrived at the MMA, when you sat on your seat next to your brothers, you greeted the other Idols with a smile.When you heard them call your name and your solo.You stood up but your brothers were your bodyguards, when you arrived at the stage, you said goodbye and went to get the award.You said "I feel so happy because if it wasn't for my brothers, I would not have achieved this milestone, I came across many hardships but my brothers made me believe in me and stay who I want to be. I want to say thank you to them since if they weren't here with me, I could have not reached this success.I thank Bang PD nim and army for all the support you have given me." while crying tears of joy, Taehyung and Yoongi ran to you and hugged you, You went back to your seat next to Jungkook.They all were so proud of you especially Yoongi since you produced 3 Solos in just a month.Jungkook said "You know, We were like you but now you needed our help. Remember we will always help you in everything okay." You nodded and said "Eomma Jin, can I do archery, running,and taekwondo in the tournament?" He said "All right, but two of each of us will be your teammate but not for Taekwondo.", You were excited for the tournament. You made sure to train with Kook next week.

Thank you for the support for this novel. I hope you will like the storyline for the others. Goodbye for now.