The Leave

You were training with Kook for taekwondo for the tournament until Jin called you and said "Family Meeting Now!!!!", You and Jungkook ran to the meeting room and sat next to each other.Jin said "Everyone, I have to tell you something and our little brother might be affected the most, Me and Yoongi are enlisting ourselves in the military and we won't be back until 6 months passes.", You were there shaking from shock and was pulling a pocket knife out of your pocket.You were about to stab yourself since you can't handle losing them too.Jimin stopped you and said "Don't worry, It's gonna be okay, I will sleep next to you every night.", You were already crying since you don't want Yoongi to die.You said "DO YOU REALLY LOVE ME OR JUST MAKE ME SUFFER BY LETTING MY OWN FAMILY SLOWLY DISAPPEAR!!" and went to your room to cry your heart out.Jin and Yoongi looked sad and guilty.J Hope said "He is gonna get really depressed now since Yoongi makes him happy, he won't be our little brother again.He will be a emotionless and sad human being with no purpose but feel so alone in this world.", Yoongi stood up and said "He is our little brother and we will make sure he stays happy no matter what, even if I and Jin leave, all of you will take our place.Do whatever you need but stop him when he is gonna do suicide just because of us.I don't want to come back home seeing him laying down on his deathbed.", You were still crying and slowly filled with anger, you were hugging your pillow as it was wet from your tears.You laid in bed contemplating about your life and purpose.J Hope suddenly came into your room and went to hug you and said "Don't cry, hyung will hug you at night so you will feel safe and all of us will be your bodyguard when we are heading for a world tour.", You cried on his shoulder until Yoongi came inside.You let go from J Hope and got the blanket to hide yourself from him.Yoongi sat next to you and said "Hyung and Jin will go to military but other hyungs will be our exchange for 6 months, can you handle 6 months without me and Eomma Jin just for me?",you nodded while crying, he removed your tears and held your hand.He pulled you in a hug and said "Do you want to see Jin?", you held his hand and both of you went to his room, you ran to him and hugged him.You said "Hyung, I forgive you.", he hugged you back but pulled you in a kiss.He said "Now, be a good boy for hyung and train well for the tournament, okay. Always know, we will be watching." You nodded and ran back to Yoongi.You said "Can I go back training with Kook?" He nodded as you went to his room and pulled him to the training room but this time Jimin was there to take care of you if you get hurt since you were very close to him too. You hit the center for archery training every time, got first for running training since you had a lot of stamina and was the fastest runner in the family.You did well for Taekwondo training since you were a black high but Jungkook was black low. You were proud of yourself also your brothers.You went to celebrate by working out and playing Minecraft on your X box.You ate lunch and dinner since you had to sleep early.You brushed your teeth, and got your pajamas. You said Goodbye to Jin and Yoongi since they had to leave at night.You slept on the couch waiting for the others to come back since they drove Yoongi and Jin to the airport.Jimin found you sleeping on the couch.He said "Aish, this kid really waits for us before he sleeps.Don't sleep here, you will get a cold and might fall, Let me carry you to the room.Jimin hyung and J hope hyung will stay next to you." as he carried you to your room. He laid you down and went to call J Hope to go to your room.You woke up from his footsteps, You laid back on the pillow while Jimin and J hope hugged you and said "Good Night, Puppy". You woke up with J Hope still next to you.You felt someone was staring you from next to you, you saw Jungkook say "Good Morning, Brother." You looked at him and said "Hyung, Can you help me stand up, Hoseok hyung's legs are too heavy?" He pulled you and brought you into a hug.He said "Why are you going near me?" You kissed him and pushed him on his bed.You said "Something I couldn't do while Yoongi hyung was here." You kissed him while removing his pants off and teasing his clothed member.He was groaning from the pleasure. He said "Kiss me" as you were teasing him. You kissed him as you removed his underwear and put 4 fingers in him.You made sure he won't be heard moaning by kissing him.You removed his shirt and all your clothes too.He came on your fingers, you pulled them out and said "You taste so good, how about let me taste?" with a smirk. You deep mouthed him instantly. He came in your mouth and you drank all his cum. You went to kiss his abs and neck.He moaned softly. You kissed him while entering him. He was a moaning mess. You came in him as he came on you.He said "Why did you do that?" as you put your clothes on and helped him put back his.You said "Since, I liked you." and held his hand as you came down. You said "Don't tell Yoongi about it, ok?", he nodded. You said "I am ordering food, Taehyung ready the table and Jungkook is gonna ready the plates and utensils." You went to Jimin and said "Hyung, I think Yoongi and Jin hyung will come back after a month because they texted me last night.", He said "That's amazing!!" You said "Be quiet, its our secret.", You and your brothers ate together. You had time to produce your new solos since Yoongi wasn't here. You went to his studio and saw a letter that had "For Little brother", you read it and you were shocked, it said "Dear brother, now I am in the military, I put two chairs since when I come back, I will help you produce your own solos and make songs as tribute for your family.I know they're dead so I rented a venue for your thank you concert and I already gave you a headstart on your tribute to your parents. I made the tune and I hope you will like it, you may change it since I will help you anyways, the lyrics are up to you.You can sleep on the massager just like I did and I hope you don't stay up making the song so that you will be healthy, goodbye for now, your dear brother Yoongi P.S Take care of my office please.", you went to make the lyrics of your tribute for your mom and dad, you messaged Namjoon and said "Hyung, can you help me, I am in Yoongi hyung's studio.", He arrived in a minute and he asked you "What do you need?", you said "I need help in the lyrics.I am making a song as a tribute to my parents, just remembering them makes me cry.", he helped you with the lyrics and then you sang the song, Kook and Jimin helped you reach the high notes.You finished the song in 4 hours. You heard the song first and then added some changes. You finished and completed the song. You celebrated with your brothers, you looked up and sighed, Taehyung said "Y'know if your parents were alive right now, they would be proud of you right now.", You were crying tears of joy, you wiped your tears and said "They would be." and smiled. You got ready for bed, you went to your room with your roommates.Taehyung and Kook slept next to you.

I feel so happy just reading this if I have free time, I make sure to please my readers. Thank you for the support. Author nim out.