
*pant* *pant* *plop!*

Zed laid down on the grass while heavily panting, it has been two days since Rosinante left and Zed has finally able to do 500 reps.

He didn't know why but he really felt unstoppable this past two days and he finally reached his goal.

He got up patted his clothes and walked back to the house, as soon as he opened the door he saw his Father eating while his Mother was serving more food.

"Dad!" Zed shouted while running towards Zephyr.

Zephyr smiled seeing his excited son and patted his shoulder "You look great son, how's the training going?"

Zed was about to report everything to his Father when suddenly.

"Mr. Zed, can you please take a shower first? then you can talk to your Father all you want" his Mother said in a scary tone.

Zed immediately straightened up and dashed towards his room saying "Yes ma'am!"

Zephyr chuckled seeing Zed being frightened and continued eating his food.

After washing up Zed went directly to his Father's office because he knew that he will be there waiting.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in" Zephyr said.

Confirming that his Father was really in the office Zed unhesitantly opened the door and entered the office.

"So how's the training going son?" Zephyr asked again.

Zed sat down infront of his Father and said with a proud look "I can already do 500 reps!"

Zephyr nodded and also smiled proudly "You're really embarassing your old man you know? when I was your age I was still playing hero with my childhood friends."

Zed rubbed the back of his head and said "I don't want to disappoint you Father, I will show them how strong the son of Admiral Z is!"

"Hahahaha, That's good to hear son! I will be expecting to see that day" Zephyr said while laughing heartily.

"So how long will you stay Dad?" Zed asked.

Zephyr looked at Zed and said with a smile "I will be training for a month or more."

(Delaying 1 to 2 weeks won't hurt much, Kong will clearly understand) Zephyr thought while looking at his excited son.

"Really?! That's great Dad! I can finally start some proper training!" Zed said while punching in the air.

Zephyr then calmed Zed a little and said "Go and eat them after eating immediately go to sleep because we will be starting our training early in the morning."

Zed immediately complied and went to the kitchen to eat, after eating dinner he went to his room and slept.

On the next day Zed was awoken by his Father's voice and got up slowly, he changed his clothes brushed his teeth and went out.

Zephyr looked at his son who has just woken up and said "Let's go, we will eat breakfast after our morning training"

Zed nodded and followed Zephyr outside of the house and they made their way towards the forest.

Zephyr stopped and turned around to face Zed he took out a book and threw it towards Zed "This book is the most precious treasure the marines has, it is the 6 marine powers."

Zed looked excited and gripped the book tightly he nodded vigorously and said "I won't let you down Dad, I will do my best to learn this within a month."

Zephyr laughed and said while patting Zed's shoulder "I spoke with your mom last night and she agreed so from now on you will be staying in this forest until you learn one of the 6 powers. It will depend on you what type of move you want to learn."

Zed was surprised hearing this but he quickly recovered and said with a serious voice "I understand Dad, you can go now I will be the one to get my own meal you can go and have some time with Mom because I know that you will be very busy after training me for a month."

Zephyr was the one to be surprised now because he couldn't believe that his son will shoo him away and even told him to have some time with his mom.

(Does he want to have a younger sibling? Hahahaha what a brat) Zephyr thought and said "Okay then, I will go back now. Be sure to survive son!" he shouted while using moon walk.