Zephyr's way

After Zephyr left, Zed sat down and read about the six powers.

Rokushiki's - Soru for speed, Rankyaku for kicking strength, Shigan for arm strength, Geppo for jumping ability, Kami-e for flexibility and Tekkai for endurance and durability.

After knowing the use of each rokushiki's Zed started to ponder what rokushiki should he first practice.

"Hmmmm, Soru is good in terms of increasing my agility but what I need is a skill that can help me survive in this forest for a month." Zed said talking to himself.

He then read the different type's of rokushiki again and decided to train the Rankyaku because it will help him greatly in terms of surviving because he can use his leg strength to fight his opponents and he can use that leg strength to run if he ever encounter's any strong beast.

After deciding what to train he then read the instructions given on the book on how to train to master the rankyaku.

He then searched for a strudy tree and started kicking it with his right leg, the book said that in order for him to have a strong and durable leg he needs to first practice his leg by kicking on hard substance's like a tree.

*bam!* *bam!* *bam!*

Zed kicked the tree continously until his leg hurt he would then change to his left leg and start kicking the tree again and again.

"This training really hurts, my legs are all bruised and swollen" Zed said while sitting massaging his swollen legs.

Unknown to him that Zephyr was watching him on top of a tree.

"Looks like he chose rankyaku, I hope that he can manage to learn it in a months time." Zephyr said and used geppo to go back home.

Zed continued kicking the tree until 3 days later the tree that he was kicking suddenly tilted and was on the verge of collapsing.

"Phew, the first day was hell but now that my legs are already accustomed at hitting hard objects it doesn't hurt anymore and I managed to tilt the tree from kicking continuosly kicking it for 3 days." Zed while looking at the tree.

He took a quick stance and kicked the tree sideways.

*Whoosh!* *Bam!*

The tree that was already on the verge of falling finally collapsed, but Zed wasn't paying any attention to it because he managed to conjure wind kick on his last attack.

Zed was happy seeing the small progress and decided to train much harder.

1 month later

Zephyr woke up early in the morning because it was time to check up on his son, he would occasionally spy Zed making sure that he was okay and then leave without Zed noticing.


He used soru and quickly vanished infront of the house, after continuosly using soru he finally arrived at the center of the forest and he could see several broken trees on the surrounding.

"My son really knows how to train, but he doesn't know how to clean up *sigh*" Zephyr said while glancing around and found his son sleeping.

Zed who was sleeping in between two tree's woke up when he felt pain on his head.


"Ouch! who the fu-" Zed was about to curse when suddenly he heard a familiar.

"If you're asking who hit you on the head then it would be me" Zephyr said while showing his clenched fist.

Zed gulped and smiled faintly "Good morning Dad, why did you punch my head?" he said in a wronged voice.

Zephye grinned and replied "It's already been a month and I want to see the fruits of your training."

Hearing the reason for his Father's visit Zed stood up and immediately disappeared.

Zephyr was shocked to the core seeing this he couldn't help but recall that happened this month.

(Isn't he training the Rankyaku? why on earth does he know how to use the Soru?!) Zephyr was loosing his mind.

While Zephyr was still thinking how Zed learned Soru, Zed appeared behind him and kicked towards the back of his knee using Rankyaku.

Noticing the incoming attack Zephyr used Tekkai and successfully blocked Zed's Rankyaku.

Zephyr laughed after blocking his son's attack and launched a kick aiming for Zed's stomach.

Zed grinned and he kicked heavily to the ground making him jump high in the air, he continued kicking on the air making him jump even higher.

Seeing Zed's move Zephyr finally lost it, his mouth agape and was just staring as his son kicking the air and jumping around like it was nothing.

Zed was happy seeing his Father's reaction and decided to go down, he couldn't help but have a smug look on his face.

Seeing Zed being cocky Zephyr immediately give him a punch in the head making Zed crouch down while massaging his head.

"Why did you hit me again Dad?!" Zed said angrily.

Zephyr snorted and replied "Hmp! I just didn't like that smug look on your face. got any problem with that?" Zephyr said with a threatening voice.

Seeing his Father being serious Zed lowered his head and replied weakly "No Sir"

Zephyr nodded satisfied at his son's reply "That's good to know, now going back to the main topic I am surprised seeing that you have learned three rokushiki's in a month."

Zed hearing his Father talking about his training result stood up and faced Zephyr, he really wanted to know his Father's opinion.

Seeing that Zed was listening attentively Zephyr continued "But, even though you learned soru,rankyaku and geppo you are still on the primary stage and can't fully utilize their use. Even so you did a great job son you made your old man proud!" Zephyr said while patting Zed's shoulder.

Zed was touched hearing his Father's praise he was about to hug him when suddenly Zephyr said something that made him want to cry.

"Seeing that you have a high comprehension ability and can quickly learn the rokushiki, I decided that I will leave you here for a year and I will be bringing your Mom with me to the Marine HQ. have fun son! and I hope that after a year you can finally use all of the Rokushiki's style"

After finishing his speech Zephyr used soru and disappeared infront of Zed.

Zed was still shocked hearing the news and was a tad bit late to react, seeing that his Father was already gone Zed sat on the ground the ruffled his hair "Why on earth is my Father becoming like Garp?!"