Frying His Brain from the Fever

"You don't need to know. I won't pass the blame onto another woman for the fault of a man. It is unbecoming of me to do that." She slid into the car with panache and honked at the reporters who now surrounded it. The revving of the engine forced them to scurry away and Qian Meng was gone. Just like that.

Li Jun looked at Qian Meng's shrouded form and remained stoic. The reporters hadn't turned to him, so he slipped away, barely noticed.

His cellphone pinged and he saw the information about the other party's lawyer. He saw the position they were in and laughed out loud.

Good thing he had connections; this game just got more interesting.

- - - - -

She arrived at Mo Qingchen's house around four in the afternoon. The guard, of course, gave her a stink-eye, but Qian Meng ignored that as she drove the car back into the garage.

Xiong Hua greeted her into the house.