Spanking Into Perfection

Qian Meng put her laptop aside and reached him. She pushed all the things that he could stumble or hurt himself on out of his way.

Mo Qingchen stormed across the room without so much as a glance her way.

He swung the door open with a loud band. His dominant frame filled the doorway and all she wanted was to get out of the room to follow him.

She followed blindly, not saying a word but worry brewed in her heart.

He was at the door to his office in no time and blocking the entrance. Qian Meng's eyes focused on the slender woman standing before him. She was looking down at her feet.

"Is that the contract?" he growled.

The woman slowly nodded.

"Give it to me." His control was slipping and Qian Meng could see his muscles tense. With shaky hands, the woman handed him a folder, her eyes remaining plastered on the floor.

He scanned page after page silently, though the tension that filled the room was so loud, it was deafening.