Get Back Into Bed

He shook his head in disbelief. "Thank you for taking care of me," he said suddenly.

"You don't have to thank me. I did very little. Xiong Hua was the one who took care of you while I was at work. The doctor gave you meds to bring down the fever."

"Not everyone would do what you did," he noted truthfully. He looked so exhausted that she wanted to haul him to bed. He hadn't eaten anything and Qian Meng also wanted to check his temperature.

"You look tired and hungry." She stepped closer to him. "And I am not any random person. I am going to be your wife."

That pulled him back. "I am tired and hungry," Mo Qingchen agreed with a slight grin. "And you are going to be my wife."

"Go back to your room and rest. I'll bring the food up. I asked Xiong Hua to keep a plate aside for you." There was no way she was going to bother the woman at this time. She couldn't work all day and night.