Waste of Good Promotion

"Boss! Wasn't he your enemy?" she squeaked, unable to believe this news. 

"You just saw me hold his hand. Ask everyone in the office about how lovey-dovey we are." 

Li Min sank into her seat. "You did arrive in his car and disappeared for a night. You didn't go back to the hotel, either. Did you hide a sizzling romance with Mr. Mo and dupe me into thinking you were rivals like everyone else?" 

Qian Meng saw the other's expression and thought she was about to cry. 

"Why? Are you upset you didn't get to grab the popcorn and watch the show?" Qian Meng teased. 

"No, I thought you were batting away all men from your side and now you are getting married." And then she became silent. "But you don't have friends. Who is going to be your maid of honor?" 

Her eyes sparkled. 

"We are not having a grand wedding. We'll sign the contracts, go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and get it done with."