Hopelessly in Love

The street was busy and cars whizzed past. She waited patiently for the traffic lights and saw Mo Qingchen waiting on the opposite pavement with his hands stuffed in his pocket. People turned to look at him, especially employees who were just done with work. They lurked around, wondering who their boss was waiting for. 

Qian Meng finally crossed and tapped on his shoulder.

"Why are you waiting outside?" she asked, looking at him weirdly. 

"Didn't you ask me to put on a show to convince everyone we are hopelessly in love?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. 

"And you thought waiting outside in the cold when you just recovered is a good idea?" Qian Meng asked in disbelief. "And you really think people will believe that Mo Qingchen, stuck-up extraordinary would wait outside for someone?" she scoffed. 

"Well, they better believe it. Because I just waited seven minutes for you to arrive," he retorted snidely.