Bai Ye Qing Could Do No Wrong

Officers, fully armed and ready to shoot entered the room. There was screaming.

Someone dropped down beside Bai Yu and asked him if he was okay. 

"He injected it," Bai Yu said quietly. Maybe it was shock, maybe he didn't care much for what happened, but he didn't look like someone had tried to kill him. 

"You told on me?" Bai Ye Qing screamed. 

"You have a right to remain silent," the officer holding him down said. His rights were read but Bai Ye Qing swore and struggled as he was led out.

The door of the master bedroom opened. Chen Yue emerged from it, wide-eyed and scared that someone had broken in. "Who are all of you?" she shouted. 

She had no weapon to speak of. 

"Ma'am we are from the City Police. Please move aside," they said in a polite but firm voice. 

His eyes searched through the faces and found one who had interviewed her. "What are you doing? Let my son go!" She barrelled forward, pounding into the man.