Don't Want to Disappoint Myself

She bolted into the bathroom, leaving Mo Qingchen in a state of worry and confusion. 

He heard her stop speaking, but she had already closed the door. "What happened?" he asked as he stood right outside the door. 

He heard her call from inside. "Mr. Bai was injured during the operation. Bai Ye Qing has been arrested. I need to go to the hospital immediately," she said. Mo Qingchen would hear the underlying tension in her voice. 

He didn't miss a beat as he went to the closet and picked out his clothes as well. There was no way he would let Qian Meng drive in a state of panic, that too so late in the night. He didn't care for propriety as he threw his clothes aside and donned the new pair. 

He was pulling his pant up when Qian Meng came out of the room. She looked surprised. "You're going too?" she asked.