Off With Your Boxers! *

[Warning: Mild snu snu up ahead and a lot of dirty talking.]

Her orgasm was long. Wave after wave of white, hot pleasure rolled through her body. Her back arched harder and she surrendered, rocking her body just slightly in sync with the waves of her climax. 

Mo Qingchen grew erratic behind her and growled as he released. Hot spurts coated her insides and she panted as Mo Qingchen panted into her ear. Mo Qingchen continued to thrust into her slowly as he rode through his pleasure and she slowly came down from hers. 

He sank to the floor, taking her with him and they lay beside each other, his cock still inside her. She felt him draw lazy patterns on her hips and stomach with his fingertips, the coolness of them making her jump ever so often. Sometimes, he would reach down and thumb her clit absentmindedly before pulling his wet fingers back up to draw circles on her hip bone.