Won't Deny Her Anything *

"Shut up," she mumbled, continuing. 

She felt like a fire had been ignited inside her. All the worries she had outside were put on hold for the moment. She hadn't realized that Mo Qingchen had thought sex with her was disappointing. She now understood that he must have picked up on her mood and tried to make her feel better, but it altered his feelings. She would show him how good she was. He would have no doubt by the time she was done with him. 

She kissed his neck slowly, dragging her tongue across his skin and caressing it slowly with her lips. She nipped playfully at his earlobe and then kissed a lingering trail of kisses down his neck to the hollow of his throat. Right then, she kissed below the Adam's apple. She was slow and deliberate with her tongue until she heard him let out a relaxed, soft sigh.