I Won't Stop You From Dancing

"Don't start something you can't finish," he warned, squeezing her thigh with his free hand as the other put the bottle of wine down. 

"Don't worry. I plan on finishing what I started. Especially if it means I get an ending," she assured him, feeling the heat pool between her thighs. 

"Is that so?" he challenged. He chuckled softly as his hands grabbed at her, pulling and moving her until she was straddling his hips. He tilted his head up as she settled and let their lips meet. When he started, he went with a familiarity that she didn't expect. 

Her eyes fluttered closed and she sighed against his mouth. His lips were always soft, probably genetic. They molded against hers so easily. He was gentle… kind. 

Qian Meng moved her hand to cover his on her thighs. Her fingers moved on their own accord, caressing his wrist and sliding up his forearms.

She longed for something.