I Like Every Part of You *

[Warning: MQC and YQM have turned on their filthy mode. Bring your holy water and tissues. I do not take responsibility for any bodily injuries that may occur!]

When her panties were revealed, Mo Qingchen found that they matched her bra. He looked on in appreciation at the sight as he tossed the shorts to the floor.

"You know I am a sucker for these things…" he complimented. He quite liked the feel of the material on him. As did Qian Meng.

"I know," she grinned as she moved to remove the panties. 

"Stop," he said, reaching for her hand. "Turn around."

"What?" she questioned, confused. 

"Turn around. I want to watch as you reveal every bit to me. I love it so much…"

She shook her head. "I thought you liked my boobs the best? Why are you suddenly fascinated by my ass?"

"I like every part of you. Your snarky ass included."