Enticing Him With Her Feminine Wiles

"They say I am cold and cruel." He shot her a heated look. 

"You thought it would be that easy? What kind of a woman do you think I am?" She pressed the palm of her hand to her chest, feigning shock. 

"I know exactly what kind of woman you are," he taunted. "The kind that destroys my kitchen and then assaults me with her feminine wiles."

He still had flour all over his face, but it didn't dull how handsome he looked. His disheveled appearance seemed to add to his appeal.

Qian Meng thought she looked like a train wreck, though. If only she knew what Mo Qingchen was thinking.

"Feminine wiles?" She batted her eyelashes at him. "Can I help it if you lose all self-control when you are around me? I am just a pure little girl."

"Very observant, Mrs. Mo. As a matter of fact, I am feeling a little out of control right now." She didn't see his hand coming. He raised it out of the open bag of flour with a big heap in it.