Close Your Eyes and Toughen Up

His gaze was firm. "I'm really hungry."

"Calm down." She tapped his lips, leaving her finger pressed up against them. "Are you ready to get a taste?" she teased. 

He drew her finger into his warm mouth and bit down. Hard. 

She pulled her finger back immediately and waved it in the air. "I am not part of this meal!"

His brows furrowed in mock disappointment. "That's not acceptable."

She leaned down and kissed him gently. "Such a spoiled dragon." 

He frowned when she tried to get off his lap. 

She grabbed a plate off the table and put a little bit of everything on it and by little, it was minuscule. The plate had just enough to keep her promise. No need to torture her husband for more than that. 

Mo Qingchen watched her as she placed the plate down before him and then returned to his lap. 

"Am I on a strict diet?" he asked as he looked down at the minuscule proportions and then back at her.