I Will Prove it To You *

[Warning: Worship of a lewd kind has begun. Read at your own risk. Bring some tissues for tears and nosebleds.]

They kissed slowly and innocently at first, his willowy lips caressing and separating hers. She yielded to him as she usually didn't, letting him be in control and show her as he had promised.

When his tongue slipped over her bottom lip and into her mouth, she moved her own against it. She sighed in content at the familiar taste of him. 

He tasted like home. 

She moved her hands up his forearms and over his shoulders. She moved it past his neck to thread her fingers through his silky hair. He hummed when she tugged on it gently and then his hands were on her, moving from her knees to her thighs. 

The blood under her skin buzzed when her skin was touched, blushing and firing up on the path of his caresses. She helplessly whimpered into his mouth.