Craving For Your Other Half *

[Warning: The author goes crazy with the snu snu. This is one of those chapters. Bring tissues for tears and nosebleed!]

She tugged on his hair and his eyes shot up to her, burning. He released the skin he had been sucking on, where she was sure she could find a hickey. His breath on her wet skin made her shiver. 

"Every molecule of air that fills my lungs…" He kissed her hardening nipple. "You breathe that life into me."

She was instantly reminded of the words he wrote and the thought alone made her moan. 

His mouth wrapped around her nipple, so hard that it was throbbing and he grazed it with his teeth just enough. She dug their nails into his shoulders. She was sure that it hurt, but he didn't even flinch. In fact, the kinky dragon moaned. He moaned around her nipple and the vibration shot a wave straight to her pussy.