Make Beautiful Babies Together

Qian Meng gave her a stiffened smile. 

"And he has always treated his daughter like a princess."

Qian Meng knew better than to comment on their relationship. As long as her father-in-law wasn't physically abusive, Qian Meng would keep her mouth shut.

"My point is, Qian Meng, the way you love your spouse translates. When Qingchen was born, neither of us knew how to be parents. When I first looked at my little boy…" she shook her head with a dreamy sigh. "It is a special thing to create a life with the man you love. And when I saw Zichen hold Qingchen for the first time, I just knew everything would be okay. I knew we would figure it out together. Qingchen wasn't just a person we were suddenly responsible for. He was a literal part of us… together."