Starting the Rumors Fashionably

"Do you want to discuss this in more detail with me?" he asked with the raise of his eyebrow.

"Not right now. The plan is just starting, so I don't want to say anything too early. When we sit down to discuss our finances and investments this week, I will update you on it." She turned to look at him curiously. "Are you worried about this?" she prompted.

He nodded. "I am just worried that your father will get wind of the situation. Your bodyguard was kept on standby for some time, but I will call them back on an urgent basis," he informed her. "I was picking you up and dropping you off. If you are going to get busy, it's better that we have extra security."

Qian Meng rolled her eyes. "What? Do you think my father will explode and try to kill me?" And then she stopped. She wouldn't put it past her father or her stepmother to do something drastic when they realize they are on a sinking ship without a lifeboat or means to survive.