Ripping His Shorts Off

Mo Qingchen hadn't thought about that closely. "I think we need to ask the doctor that."

Qian Meng frowned. "We could search it online too, you know?" she prompted from beside him. 

"I trust the medical professional more, love," he told her gently. 

She turned to face him. "Does the doctor remember being in the womb and their parents having sex?" It was a stupid discussion but one that seemed pertinent at the time. 

"The people on the internet have even less of a chance of remembering. We'll ask the doctor." He patted her hair and settled her in. 

Now that Mo Qingchen thought about it, a prickle of worry overcame him. He placed his hand over her stomach, checking for movement. And then, in the dead of the night, he stayed awake with his hands on her stomach and his head at her heart, making sure the only things keeping him alive and happy were safe and sound.

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