The Waiting Game

At last, it was the waiting game. Most of the days, Qian Meng was on the bed, on her side, propped up on pillows under her head, behind her, between her legs… She fully used the voice-to-word feature on her laptop to get most of the work done. Whatever little she was allowed to do, that is. The rest of the day was a mixture of her listening to the radio, sleeping, browsing for things for the babies. It was mixed in with the babies kicking, heartburn, and quite a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions. 

But Qian Meng was happy to know that she had only twelve hours left before she went to the hospital. 

Both Mo Qingchen and she knew that they wouldn't have the time to be bored for the next eighteen years.

Mo Qingchen walked around the room, looking for anything he might have missed to put inside the backpack.