Chapter 2: Observing Red Eyes

Time moved slower than usual. Waiting for another three hours before the sunrise seemed too long. Clearly, agitation is also visible on the faces of the adults.

When her eyes rested on the three sleeping children, she unconsciously thought of wishing to have a good sleep without worrying of being assaulted.

As she examined the trio, she concluded that the two boys were older than her. However, she could be of the same age as their little sister. She even wonders if she can play with her in one of their stops in the morning.

Shocked by her childish thoughts, she mentally scolded herself. But it was truly an acceptable idea as she is still a child, a young lady at the age of eight.

Rubbing her shoulders to make herself warm, the merchant has finally noticed her.

"You should go back to sleep. It is still very early. Here. You can share a portion of my blanket."

"I already have enough sleep. Forcing myself would only hurt my eyes. I'll also take your offer. Thank you very much."

The girl replied politely and moved closer to the merchant to share the blanket. Indeed, it felt warm.

"Traveling is dangerous. And you're rather alone in your journey."

"Traveling had always been dangerous."

The girl only smiled weakly after saying so and stared outside the carriage. Within the darkness she searches for something.

It was moments after she wake up when she caught sight of a terrifying nocturnal bird. It was apparently looking at the carriages, more specifically at their carriage.

It was huge in size as evident to the bending branches where it lands. Its red eyes are solely bore at their vehicle, flying to transfer to a new tree after their carriage passes on every third tree.

She caught sight of it again at the same time it flies to another tree. What was distinct of this creature was the large wings it had as they were opened to fly to another tree.

Disregarding the negative thoughts building up on her brain, she propped her head unto her knees and hugged herself. But a moment after, she jumped on her seat as something had landed at the roof of the carriage. There are also disturbing noises coming from the other vehicles.

The three hired adventurers were about to head out when another three silhouette appeared before them. They were wearing black clothes with another black cloak on top. Their faces were hidden by the deep hood.

One look and they can be already considered the enemy especially with their unsheathed swords that reflects the moonlight.

The quiet night was taken over by the pleading moan of the dying men, the horrified shrieks of the frightened children, and the clatter of metals striking each other.

The air carries with it the sorrowful cries of the people and in it lingers the smell of metallic substance.

Her attention was caught to the sound of clashing swords. The three adventurers had entered battle with the enemies. While the three were busy, the husband had slashed the cloth that serves as the carriage's wall.

With his urging, he shoved his wife and three children out of the carriage, along with her and the merchant. He gave the merchant strict instructions to protect his family at all cost. And leaping into the fray between the enemies, he took the role of the female adventurer who in turn ran towards their direction.

With the merchant and the female adventurer leading them into the forest, they ran for their lives.

It was an unexpected encounter. They don't look like a mere group of foolish bandits. When she caught sight of the battle with the adventurers earlier, their movements were refined, throwing not a piece of unnecessary action. They're undeniably a group of unpleasant henchmen.

Standing up once tripping unto big bare roots and not minding their torn clothes as ripped by sharp twigs, they run as far as they can.

When the other little girl fell into her knees, the others had stopped as well. Only then they were able to feel tired. Feeling worn out, their legs gave way and they all fell to the ground. While catching their ragged breath, they heightened their senses in alarm for enemies.

They have gone quiet far. Probably.

They rested under a giant tree. The moonlight was not able to penetrate as hindered by the thick bundle of leaves of the giant tree. Its large roots had also served as a good chair.

They can quiet grasp their surroundings though it is pitch black, thanks for their eyesight having adjusted to the darkness.

Right when they thought they could finally take a rest, the sound of breaking twigs being stepped on resounded in the silent forest. The sound is heading to their direction in an incredible speed!

Throwing themselves for another round of sprint, they took in deep breaths for who knows how long should they run once more.

The three siblings, having no idea what is happening, knew to themselves that understanding the situation is no good. What they fully understood, however, is that the matter is of life and death. Thus, they won't complain even if their legs break. They can't muster to do so now that in front of them is another little girl, running faster than they can, swiftly and with less effort.

They saw this little girl board the carriage the same time as them. But they never saw anyone with her. Having to travel alone, and now that they are in a deplorable situation, they never heard her complain even a bit.

She's also not dragging the others. More like, it's them three who are the burden to the adults. They can't also help their struggling mother. To have three kids to look after while escaping, they can only grit their teeth and face the situation.

While on their escape, two silhouette appeared, advancing in an incredible speed towards their direction.

'Go on!' screamed the female adventurer. Flashing her first ever smile since they were all together, she ran back towards the enemies. They ran as they were instructed; it was also to honor the wish of the lady they don't even know but chose to stay behind for their sake.

The clatter of metals striking each other was heard. It was what they heard lastly as they disappeared into the darkness, leaving the beautiful adventurer behind.

However, one of the silhouette was able to pass by the female adventurer. This could mean that the adventurer has died with one of the enemy.

Not only that, they have sensed that several other presences were approaching from behind the enemy. But these auras are different from the aura given off by the enemy.

With that, there's only one answer that could be arrived with such deductions. Those advancing towards them were beasts!

Known to travelers that the areas surrounding the Forest of Mist are oftentimes attacked by diurnal beasts. It is said that these beasts are active mainly during the day to hunt because the night is not their territory. Also, travelers swore that these beasts do not attack during the night at all cost.

But what about the approaching beasts? Remembering what the other travelers had told them, these diurnal beasts can only be found in the surrounding area of the forest. Then, could it be that they have entered the Forest of Mist already?

To have entered the forest also entails to have entered the hunting ground of the nocturnal beasts.

A loud 'Guh' took their attention. They watched as the mother fell into her knees.

'Mother!', screams the little girl whom the mother had protected from the dagger thrown by the enemy.

'Don't worry about me. Go, run.' The mother said as blood gush out from her mouth. The back of her dress had changed colors as blood drips from the wound when she took the dagger out.

The enemy stopped meters away, finally catching up with them. At the same time, a pack of silvery wolves appeared.

The situation could not be any worst. They cannot say that the favor is with them even if the enemy has no way of escape. The enemy is blocked from all sides. However, they are no different.

Even if the wolves preyed on the enemy, they cannot possibly say that they can escape unscathed. However, the moment the youngest child was pushed unto her, the enemy and the wolves had advanced for an attack.

With the parting words from the mother, 'Please protect my children', the brave girl who dragged the crying little girl and the merchant who picked up the two boys, sprinted away.

On their escape, the group had not seen the uneven land. They rolled down the sloping path and bumped to trees.

'What a great timing', they complained on their minds. Struggling to achieve balance, the two boys rose to their feet and searched for the two little girls. Seeing that the two were helping each other out, the four searched for the merchant.

However, the merchant was coughing blood when they found him. He was stuck to a trunk and pierced in his stomach is a sharp broken branch.

'Sir!' the four screamed. The worried voices of the four little angels made him gave a wry smile and said, 'Don't worry. I'm fine.'

Then again, he coughed blood. He didn't expect that his end would be earlier than expected. As a merchant he accumulated many enemies and expected that there will come a time where he will be hunted.

But this is not bad. Dying in this way is better than being killed by the assassins his enemies sent. He cannot accept the pleasure his enemies will bask in if they heard their assassins were able to kill him.

But having to travel with this talented bunch is worthwhile. If he could just live longer, he thought.

'You lot. Go on before the wolves arrived.' He managed to say. But the four kids were unwilling, as shown in their faces. Right on time, the wolves appeared above them. Fresh on their mouths were blood of those they devoured.

'Go. Don't waste the efforts of the adults.' Crying, the four run once again. At the same time, the wolves had advanced. Some had preyed on the dying merchant and the others chased after the four running meat.

The tears had blurred her vision, thus, the youngest child had tripped and fell to the ground. As they watch the advancing three wolves, the others went back to rescue the little girl. The first one to arrive beside the little girl was the brave girl.

'Biggest brother! Catch your sister!' The brave girl shouted and pushed the little girl as she saw that one of the wolves will reach them any moment.

Right on her prediction, the wolf bit her left leg.

'Ugh.' The brave girl fell to the ground.

'Second brother, pull me up on my que!' She gave order to the boy nearest to her which in turn nodded and ran towards her direction.

At the same moment, she grabbed her hidden dagger from her jacket and stabbed the head of the wolf. The moment the wolf let go of her leg, she gave the que.

She was dragged by the boy away from the wolf writhing in pain and helped her up. Seeing that the other two will also arrive, even if her left leg hurts like hell, she run with the help of the other boy.

The four run, knowing that all of them will die at the same time if they were caught. Running and running, they weren't able to see that they have finally reached the forest's border. The forest border is a cliff, however.

With their last memory falling from the cliff in hopes to escape death from the paws of the wolves, the sky has lit up. Finally, dawn has break and as the sun will soon rise the winged-eyed red creature return to the deepest part of the forest and went to sleep.
