Chapter 3: The Witches' Village

The youngest among the three siblings, the little girl, woke up. Her body was aching all over but it was blown away by the magical sight of the river.

The sun was high up. She remembered traveling with her whole family. Remembering that night where she had lost her father, mother, and some good friends, she broke into tears.

Upon calming down, she remembered the girl that saved her and her older brothers. They were always saving the weak her and it is the weak her that has survived. Tears once again flow from her eyes.

Remembering that the girl received a wound from the wolf, she got worried. She struggled to stand up and looked around. Meters away, she saw her oldest brother.

'Brother!' She ran towards the sleeping young boy of age 12.

'Brother, wake up.' The little girl slightly shook her brother.

'Hmm.' The boy woke up to the slight shaking and whispering of her little sister. The slightly swollen and worried eyes of her little sister registered into his mind.

'Are you okay?' The boy managed to ask as he sits. The little girl has nodded.

'Brother, let's find second brother and the other girl.' The little girl suggested.

'Yes. They couldn't be far.' They traversed along the path of the river, wishing and hoping that their brother and the girl is just somewhere near since they were together during their fall.

Not far from their position, they saw a trail of blood. It seemed like something bloody has just been dragged that way. Though quite scared, they followed the trail and found their second brother kneeling beside the wounded girl. They ran towards the two.

'What happened?'

'I just followed the trail and found this girl up on this hill, unconscious.'

'She might have dragged herself after all.'

Putting the wounded girl's head at the little girl's lap, she whispered to her, hoping she'll get a response but got nothing. She recognized that the wounded girl's breathing is heavy and almost nonexistent. It alarmed her.

Looking around, she saw the village to their back.

'Let's ask for help in that village.' As if reading her mind, the oldest brother suggested.

The girl must have used her left leg too much during the escape despite having it bitten by the wolf. She might have also received quite the fall and have broken bones. So while feeling sorry that they might add her suffering, they tried their best to carry her. Taking steady steps, they walked towards the village.

Upon arrival at the village, her breath was taken away by mere sight. It was a wrecked magical civilization. The buildings were in great ruins, there were traces of dried blood splattered on the walls and cracked land, and putrid smell lingers in the air.

The urge to cover their noses immediately registered into their brains however, their hands were holding the wounded girl. At the end, they weren't able to do anything but get used to it.

They took their steps and entered the village. They have arrived at the center where a headless statue was placed. Its head rolled away few inches away and rested unto the base of a pole.

The pole ended as a crucifix numbering almost a hundred. Crucified on this pole are the rotting bodies of the villagers. This time around, the little girl threw up but the two boys only looked away. It was a terrible sight!

Not being able to endure the sight before them, they looked for a house that looks more decent than the other buildings. Having sighted one, they proceed towards it.

The inside doesn't look much better than the view outside but at least there are no bodies hanged around. Though the inside was a mess as if it has been rummaged in search of something, the house can indeed shelter them from the heat, rain, and cold wind.

They laid the wounded girl at the torn clothes they gathered together. After checking the girl's breathing, they decided to look around the house in search for medicines.

However, nothing can be found. They were in great dismay. They don't know what to do with their wounded companion. They were feeling hopeless when a hollow sound resounded. It came from the sink the little girl is leaning on.

The three looked at each other. Wondering what was that, the little girl surveyed the sink to its every inch and found a strange small marking at the bottom of the sink. It reminds her of a keyhole.

Thinking that it could be indeed a keyhole, she took a piece of hairpin from his disheveled hair. Having to alter locks, an ability she just practiced for fun, a 'click' was heard from the other side.

A disturbing sound reverberated. A slight shaking followed and the breaking of land was felt.

When a crack appeared just below the sink, the three who were watching in curiosity leaped away and witnessed the formation of stone paved stairs that stretched into the darkness.

The three were alarmed, in fear that a group of beasts will swarm out of the hidden passage. But minutes passed and nothing came out.

'Hello? Anybody there?' The little girl's voice resonated like a wave and fade away. No response was heard.

The three wonders what lies await inside. Though they are worried what could be inside, they cannot stop thinking that they could also find medicines in there. It is their only hope to cure their wounded companion.

Right now, the three were regretting that they are not well versed in healing magic. Their eldest brother is studying martial arts combining it with attack magic. Their second brother is the scholar type, more versed in researching magic. And their youngest, is also studying martial arts but focuses on defense type magic.

They were still students, however. They cannot perform high-tier magic. They are still learning after all.

They have decided that the second brother and the little girl will go inside to search for medicine while the eldest will stay with the wounded girl.

The two scurried to search for a torch but what they found instead are lamps. Deciding that the lamps will do, the little girl approached the unconscious girl and whispered 'We will be back.'

Steeling their resolve, the two entered the hidden passage and disappeared into the darkness.
