BOOK ONE ONE SUMMER (Chapter One - Part 2)

We were about to enter the cabin when we heard rustling in the trees. We looked up and what we saw was unimaginable. There were red glowing eyes, lots of them staring right back at us. Glowing in the darkness of the night. Our hairs raises as we were in shock to see those eyes up in those trees. That's where Engki showed up. But he looks a bit different his eyes are like those that are looking back at us. It was as red as blood and sparkling like the stars in the night. Sheena asked him "Engki is that you." He did not reply immediately but laugh at a devilish manner. His laughter was echoing all over the forest then he just stop. His look right back at us and started mumbling then he shouted in the most horrific sound you could ever imagine. What he said still lingers in my mind up to now, "At the stroke of midnight you will all die. You will be the food in our table by midnight." Then he laugh again. However one thing that he did not know is that I didn't come there without precautionary measures. During my childhood since I was a born clairvoyant my grandma has taught me some things that I should know in order to protect myself from the paranormal. In most folklore salt is a best way to defend yourself against most creatures of the dark "Engakantos or Dark beings, Aswang or shape shifters, even vampires are weak against it. And my grandma has taught me Latin prayers called "Orasyons" that can defend me against these beings. That is one thing that Engki did not know about me. He ran in pain when I threw a handful of salt in his face. But he kept shouting "you will all die by midnight." Without any hesitations we ran inside the house and started to barricade it with everything we got. We made sure that even the windows are properly seal. But with the rusty cabin I don't think it can hold a massive attack from these creatures. Like all fiction stories when your lives are at stake a lot of things happen. After barricading the whole house we checked our phone still no signal but Sheena's watch started working and it's already 11 pm. An hour away from the creatures attack. Mheanne then revealed that she belongs to a lineage of white witches and her mom has been training her ever since on the other hand Rita is a granddaughter of a spiritual healer (albularyo) and her grandfather has taught some rituals that can be of help. That's when I remembered the amulets that hermit gave me. I showed it to them and to our luck Aldrin is supernatural geek. What he told us could mean our only chance to last for the night. And here it is:

The amulets are no ordinary amulets what he said is that the encryptions mentioned that he who wears this amulet cannot be touch by the darkness. Guardians of the realm warriors of light.

The creatures outside are called fallen angels turned to darkness they feed on human flesh in every decade to revitalize their strength.

If we can survive the assault tonight they would need to wait for another decade before attacking again.

But one thing he can't understand is that according to the encryptions once the amulets are worn the truth will be known.

We ask him what does it means but he doesn't have any clue. Mheanne took out some candles and started to arrange it in a triangular form. Rita on the other hand started to bless the oil and water she has and started to put salt of the windows and the door. While Jon, Jho, Karl and Chel made sure that the barricades and properly place. Sheena, Ian, Pam and Kit started chanting the prayer we taught them. And we form a circle. So before the assault begins we made some preparations of our own to protect one another. Each of us wore the amulet. Mheanne, Rita and I prepared our rituals of protection. And all boys surrounded the girls while Aldrin is still trying to decipher the last encryptions. When the clock strike 12, that moment changed all of our lives. First there was a loud banging on the door and howls of horror that you have never heard before. Chants outside but we couldn't figure out what it means. Then approximately 10 minutes it all stop. Then we heard a loud shout from Engki asking for help. Sheena was about to run to him when Karl manage to stop her. Chel shouted you can never deceive us again. Then we heard him laugh. He said that we might have protected us for the time being but the candles will not last the whole evening. He knew that we have made a protection circle and that they cannot enter the cabin but he is right the candles we have lit will not last the whole evening and we need to take turns guarding each other. Then out of the nowhere Jon's amulet shone so bright then he fell to the floor and us without any idea what is going on…