BOOK ONE ONE SUMMER (Chapter One - Part 3)

The banging on the door started again then there was something that fell on the roof. A huge sound is heard. It's like a large tree. The other girls started screaming but Rita and Mheanne did not stop chanting their prayers. Jon suddenly woke up and he told us that he was in the Astral Plane. He saw everything that is happening outside. Weird, although we all know that he can do that while he is sleeping. Jon is the real adventurer of us all, he always tells us stories of him going to different places he has never been before. There was even one time that we went to a certain province and though it's the first time that we have gotten there he, was able to describe all the scenic places. He was even able to describe the house we are going to stay. So it's nothing unusual for us, but him doing it wide awake now that's new. What he saw gave us the worst fear in our life. Among the creature there was one that leads them all. He said that its body is covered with an armour like skin made up of human flesh. He is holding a staff made of human bones and skulls to decorate it. Beside him is Engki whose smirk is so devilish that you just want to pound him with all your strength. The creatures are compose of three types. The first type are small like imps with claws like that of wolverine they are the ones who are scratching the walls, Second, are what we called the Juggernauts big sturdy creature with eyes swelling and drooling with acid like saliva. And the third type are the winged ones. They do not have any feet but tails with a head of a snake at the end. Their wings are as black as night with hair like porcupine spikes. Jon said that the Imps immediately burn once they touch the windows or the doors but it seems like the Juggernauts are unaffected by it but not too strong enough to tear down the walls due to the salt and protection circle. The noise that we heard on the roof is due to the flying creature trying to enter by the roof but can't. Engki was still shouting the same thing over and over that we will all die that night. Sheena being an empath felt the rage of the creatures as it has been three hours since they started pounding the doors and the windows. Their master can't wait any longer. And she began to speak. And here is what she said "Ergum Entome Grati Sectum Abrigar Alas". And for some reason after that speech Sheena snap back to reality and Karl was able to understand what she said. Karl said that this is the translation "no one will leave this cabin alive". And that made the horror rise up to a different level. And to worst things up the candle is almost down by 75 percent, it's only 3 hours passed midnight, it's still a long way before dawn, we saw a crack on the wall meaning that the shield is weakening, God what am I gonna do why is it that when horrible things like this comes up time seems to move slow. I can't seem to calm myself anymore as all our lives is at stake and there's only little to none that I can do. "Think, think ", I said to myself "there must be something that we can do". Wait the amulets, this could be the key. The only means of our survival. The hermit did not give it to us for nothing. I'm sure that this is something that I can rely on. But how, Jon's amulet sparkled then he entered his trance mode and went to the astral plane. I can't seem to figure out what should I do with this amulet. How to activate it. How can I make this work? I'm panicking, I'm really panicking… What to do?! I've been into the supernatural thing most of my life. Being the supernatural geek in the group but this is nothing that I have prepared myself for. I have been trained by my grandma in all manner of supernatural encounter that she has experience but none of this was in any of her stories. We're doomed!!! But I have to keep my composure. If we are going to die, I'll make sure that we will not go down without a fight. And so being the born leader and considering that the walls and the shield will not make till dawn I need to come up with some sort of plan. Okay! Okay! First line of defence the walls and the doors, then there's the circle of salt, the roof can't be taken off easily (can it?), then the amulets/medallions? But shhhh… still I can't seem to determine how this works. Come on, need to think… There must be something else that I have in my sleeves to help us defend ourselves. Wait my grandma's conjuring spell, not that we a family of witches like Mheanne but hey my ancestors were shamans. If I can only ask my grandma on what to do perhaps she can help us. But I need time to do this and time is not our side right now so forget the conjuring spell. Then out of our panicking moment the door exploded and the front walls collapse. It's the most horrific scene we have ever saw in our life. We saw the creatures and the masters right in front of us. The candles are about 10 percent away from being burnt out so what's next our end. The guys stood in front of the girls armed with whatever weapon we have. Frying pans, baseball bat, kitchen knife, belts, wooden sticks. We're in for the fight of our lives (and I mean it literally "OUR LIVES"). We would do anything just to protect the girls, to protect our own lives. We don't want to end up like those bones and be shattered into pieces but these creatures of darkness. And the candle has burned out the creatures are now marching towards us. We all closed our eyes and hold our weapons very tight, this is it!!! Dinner is serve! But we will fight to the end. We all shouted we all our strength, and hold up our weapons to pound, slash and kill any of those creatures, then as we are about to engage each other…..