Okay before I can continue with the story. I have to set your expectations that this Part would be long. You know how all anime's does it, just as when the climax of an arc comes, fillers are then introduce, but none of that will happen, it's just that my heart is also pounding while writing this story. I really don't have to introduce each of us, since all will be revealed anyway. I don't want to spoil the fun. So enough of that let's go back to the story.
And so there we are about to engage the monstrous creatures, shouting to the top of lungs, aiming our weapons and ensure that we can land a death blow to those creatures while the girls are screaming out of fear. Jho was the first one to attack one of the creatures with all his might he swung his baseball bat and we all look stunned, the bat hits the face of juggernaut and it flew away hitting dozens of the imps and the winged creature that's when I notice that the amulet Jho's wearing started to shine just like Jon's amulet did. And I realize that our emotions could be attached to the secret that the amulet holds (hmmm sounds like charmed, you know witches three destined to protect the world) okay enough of that. I can't be sure yet. So Jho made sure that every swing he does would hit any of those creatures to our little relief the imps and juggernauts back off a bit but that's just a deception the flying creature quickly swoop down to where Jho is and almost hit him but it stopped in mid-air and just fell to the ground. I looked around and there he was our four eyed archer Chel. Good thing he brought his bow and arrow, "Never leave the house without them", he said. But to be that accurate with less to nothing light present, he sure hits the target accurately. He muttered "BULLSEYE". Then he aimed his weapon again, and that's when his amulet sparkle as well, he aimed it and the arrow shine like fireworks hitting multiple targets at once. Talk about weird right. I sure hope this is just a dream. But boy, I'm tellin' yah, I'm glad these dude are on our side. So we have someone with great strength (melee attacker) and an archer for range attacks good enough but how long can we last. Then out of nowhere we heard Kit shouting she is being carried by the imps. We'll we already knew that Aldrin and Kit are an item so to make things short the first to react was Aldrin we ran to Kits just and with a blink of an eye he was right beside her already he pound the Imps with his punches wrapping his hand with the belt he has. No punch missed. And you wouldn't believe that he punches and moves so quickly that you will not see how many punches he threw, FLASH? QUICKSILVER? For all I care we're becoming superheroes here. And same thing happens, his amulet is shining as well. So this made me conclude that the amulet will activate only if it responds to our emotions. I have to ensure that we are able to activate our amulets for us to win this battle. Next to activate his hidden powers was Karl, just went they are about to be crashed by a tree thrown by a juggernaut he manage to control it. Telekinesis! Great! Jon utilized his astral projection by looking for an escape route. Mheanne and Rita still chanting to protect Jon's body. Then out of nowhere we saw a new breed of wolf like creatures charged at Ian and Julius, that's when they activated their unique abilities. They have engulf themselves with fire right after holding their hands, PYROKINESIS/FIRE STARTERS!!! AWESOMES!!! That's not all Sheena being the youngest screamed when she saw Ian and Julius about to be devoured by the wolf like creatures and her scream blasted the creatures away from them, SONIC SCREAM!!! COOL!!! Now we have Fire People (Julius and Ian), a screamer (Sheena), a brute (Jho), an archer (Chel), a racer (Aldrin), a telekinetic (Karl), an astral traveller (Jon), a white witch (Mheanne) and a healer (Rita), who's next Professor Xavier? So we are really putting up a good fight against this creatures and Engki who's just watching together with his master doesn't seem to care. I looked at my watch and its only 3:30 am. I mean WHAT?! Only 30 minutes has passed, are you seriously kidding me? Sure enough that the gifts we receive (though I still have none) would start to take its toll sooner or later. I need to think fast. I need a strategy. Then there's only three of us who has not discovered our hidden powers yet. My girlfriend, Kit and I. I wonder what will trigger the amulets. I'm sure it has something to do with our emotions. Then there it was Kit finally awakened hers when she saw Aldrin being ganged up by the imps and has taken wounds due to the claw of the imps. Kit's amulet lights up and she conjured strong air currents forming like a tornado under her command. Rita healed Aldrin's injuries and the fight continues. I looked at my watch again its 3:45 am. This is crazy. My friends started to feel exhausted and I think this is the reason why Engki is smiling. He already knows that we will soon feel tired as we haven't rested yet. The reason why his master was not threatened at all after seeing our latent abilities activated is because they knew that their numbers would be enough to deplete our energy. First it was Jho who was sent flying by a juggernaut, then Chel started to miss his aims, the twins flame is dwindling and Sheena is starting to lose her voice. Aldrin is somehow becoming slower, Jon has not found any opening for us to escape yet. Rita is almost exhausted healing everyone's injury and Mheanne hasn't learned any offensive spell yet. Only Kit is able to hold up on her own as she was the last one to activate her ability. So what after we fought hard, we'll die anyway? No! This is not yet over. And now we're cornered with only Kits wind protecting us. Her wind is slowly vanishing and these creatures are all like a hungry pack of wolves who has cornered their prey and are all ready to devour it. These could mean our end. I was about to burst into tears when out of nowhere I saw a sparkling light. Shining brighter and brighter as it comes closer. When it reach the battlefield the creatures where turned to ash. But the light did not harm us but instead replenished our strength. I tried to open my eyes to make sure that I'll be able to see who is doing it. I saw it the monsters were turn to ashes and Engki and his master coward in the darkness. I saw a figure approaching us saying something. "Rise and Run" that's what I think he said. Then there he was the hermit. His words came clear, "Rise Up and Run, follow me I can't hold them off much longer". I ask him what's happening. But he did not answer he said it once again "Rise Up and Run, follow me I can't hold them off much longer, or would you rather die here." In a blink of an eye we took whatever we can pick up and ran and followed the hermit. We ran for our lives with looking back. When we were a distant away from the place we heard the creatures roar and Engki shouting "FOLLOW THEM WE CAN'T AFFORD LOOSING OUR MEAL". And then we heard the rustling in the trees a sign that they are on our tail. The old man has lead us to a cave. At the entrance I noticed some writings. But I did not pay much attention to the details. When we are all inside. He told to rest for a bit. "We will be safe here for now, but don't get your hopes high yet, it isn't over till it's over.
This is when we started asking questions, like what's going on, what are those creatures, what do we have to do with all of these. He stand up and gave us a cup of tea for us to calm down. This is what he said.
"I know you're all afraid and confuse. Your question will be answered if you let me speak", he said. Jon with all his might shout "then start talking." He continued. "Then here me out. What you saw back there are not like your ordinary folklore creatures. Those are what minions of a fallen one." Questions were ask again but he again said, "let me finish first, you will not understand anything if you keep interrupting me." Then we all sat down and started to hear him out. "Those creatures back there are just minions, minions of a fallen one. The one with staff is their master, a fallen one. I know you're about to ask what are fallen ones, then let me tell you a little story that was kept hidden from humanity long before god created the whole universe. A battle between light and dark, good and evil happened long before the dawning of man. As you were told the Lucifer used to be an Archangel before he challenged God and Michael his younger sibling stood against him. Defeating him and sending him to pits of hell. But that story was just part of the great battle. You see there were angelic host who did not join the battle between good and evil. Some did not join because they wanted to watch and later on pledge their loyalty to whoever wins. Yet there are still some who was caught in confusion as they are not warrior. They were scribes, muses and musicians. They know nothing of war. After the great battle God has called upon these being and punished them for not taking sides. God wanted them to repent with what they have done, so after he created the universe they were sent down to mingle with mankind. Those who do not wished for war took the punishment with all their heart and accepted their fate and promise to do well, as a way of redeeming themselves. They told God that they will watch over his creations, guide them and protect them in whatever way they can. Upon arriving on Earth their leader Satchiel decided to clip his wings and walked the Earth together with mankind. On the other hand, those Angels who only watch and waited did not take the punishment lightly. They vowed to destroy mankind, God's most precious creation. They knock on hell but Lucifer has casted them out and so, they are Earth-bound for all eternity. Walking with mankind, unable to go back to heaven nor enter the gates of hell. Their leader Souriel, vowed to create a third kingdom that will surpass hell and strong enough to challenge the heavens. He gather enchanted creatures and turned them to his ways. Then when mankind was already at its fullest Souriel decided to conquer earth together with his minions. But Satchiel is already aware of Souriel's plans and has already amassed an army ready to defend mankind. The battle lasted forever no army has given up on either sides. This battle was called the "The Battle of Eternity", as the battle can really last for eternity. At last with so much casualty as Souriel's minions are not immortal like most of his men he decided to retreat vowing to return after a decade to get revenge on Satchiel's army. The battle was fought hard but Satchiel knows that this is just the beginning as Souriel will not stop until he can take over the world. Satchiel then decided that mankind has to learn how to defend themselves. Although it is really forbidden Satchiel asks his friends to mingle with mankind literally. They introduce themselves without revealing their true identity. They've learned how to love humans and feel like humans. Soon offspring's were born. They are called Nephilim. The Fallen Angels all disappeared after their offspring is born to protect them from the Evil One's. These Nephilim's was able to harness angelic powers such as healing, strength, super speed, super visions, and others. But time has forgotten all of those and the bloodlines was passed on from one generation to another. For a week after each decade the Evil Ones and the Guardians battle it out. The Evil Ones are gaining the upper hand each time they face one another. And the Guardians number dwindles down. But Satchiel knew that once the Nephilim has come to full awakening they would join the battle and protect mankind in their stead. One of these Nephilim will lead them as he is his son. And this year as there are only few Guardians left I have come to search for the lineage of the current Nephilim Guardians. I've been searching for them to teach them their respective powers. But I think time is running out to teach them all to you because those Nephilim are you. All thirteen of you. And one of you will lead all other Nephilim as that human is my Son and that is..."