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BOOK ONE ONE SUMMER (Chapter One - Part 5)

"One of you will lead all other Nephilim as that human is my Son and that is you, R.J. You are of my blood. A Nephilim born of a high Guardian. One that is destined to lead all other Nephilim against the forces of Souriel, however one of you shows darkness. But I know that your friendship and love for one another can overcome it." I was in a catatonic state. Me? Myself? I will lead all the new Guardians? How? I haven't even learn how to harness this so called power. Then I just blew it. I said "what in the world are you taking about? How am I supposed to lead a bunch of supernatural offspring when I myself do not have any power? Are you seriously kidding me? Just tell us how can we get home?" He look right back at me and said, "You cannot go home until you defeat Souriel's army. You only have 5 days to learn you powers on the sixth day the great battel will happen again. Should all 13 of you lose then everything that you hold dear will perish." "This is not our job if I understand you correctly SIIIIRRR!!! You are Satchiel! Then why don't you protect us, that's your job RRRIIIIGGGGHHHTT!!!?!" He stood up and poured another cup of tea then said, "I am not as powerful as I was before. My army has been massacred. Somehow Souriel has gathered enough army of enchanted being from this realm to join his cause, turned them to this minions and ambushed my brethrens. They were caught by surprise. Some Nephilim are killed by the attacks and some are injured. Those of us who are left took time to look for the Nephilim offspring from all lineages in order to gather enough of them for the upcoming battel." Me: "Wait not as strong as you were before? That's crazy, your enemy grew stronger you should've at least retain your original power, RIGHT?" Satchiel: "I wish I have. But I have exhausted half of my immortality protecting all 13 of you and you families, some of you might remember this events. Jon, can you recall the time that you and you're mom fell on a three-storey building and landing on ground without any injuries at all? Kit, Mheanne, Rita, Ian, all four of you at a mall when an intensity 6 earthquake struck you're all buried alive but to your luck there was a pile of chairs that was able to cover all of you and food and water was there to support you on week long wait for a rescue to team to come. Aldrin, Jho and you RJ you were riding a bus when the earthquake happened. You're bus was flipped over and all three of you were thrown out, you woke up 3 days after in the hospital miraculously without any injury not even a slight scratch. Karl and Julius a fire broke out in your school you and your classmates were trap inside. The rescuers then all saw you at an alley unharmed but unconscious. Pam and Sheena last year on your vacation the canoe you were riding flipped over and you were wash away up to a waterfall and again miraculously both of you survive. Tell me how did you all survive? Because my brethren and I decided has saved you over and over. Whenever we do that it takes toll on our being. Yes we can protect you directly but not saved you on a life and death situation as we are meddling with life and death the natural order of things. Now rest, we're protected here. Souriel and his minions will not be able to get in here. Dawn is already upon us. They will need to hide, well his minions that is but that doesn't keep you safe outside as your friend and Souriel himself are both day walkers like us. I will not take the risk of going out if I were you. Everything you need is inside this cave. Rest then I'll ask you later what will be your decision." I could've stayed awake but I'm too tired so we all decided to rest. I didn't know how long I was asleep but I woke because of the voices I'm hearing it was my friends and Satchiel talking. Jon has decided to train as so all of them, even Pam but I am still reluctant. What can you expect I still don't have my powers yet! We went deeper into the cave and what do you, inside was an island like place complete with mountains and rivers and animals. Satchiel gave each of my friend their own way to train, while he talks to Pam. Pam was showed sign of dismay but I heard Satchiel said to her, "it is not them to choose, it is your choice. You alone can create your destiny." Pam responded, "Then, train me". Satchiel then awakens her latent ability. To my surprise her power is somehow odd. She was able to cast and absorb darkness. She can bend shadows, turn light to darkness, and absorb light even. She could even enter her own shadow and reappear thru others. This would come in handy, meaning in the night she is a formidable foe. Scary right. But I can see as she trains she's loving her shadow manipulation skill. She's like a walking black hole. On the second day of training I came to Satchiel I ask him why I can't awaken my powers. He replied "It is not yet the time, as you have noticed the others have awakened their power thru their emotions. But yours is different. Eventually you will receive them. By the way you've been taught some shamanic ways right. Why don't you practice those, they might come in handy in battle. For now rest your mind my son, for your time is at hand. Be not wary of what is in front of you the greater task has been put on your shoulders now." I rolled my eyes and said, "Can you please not speak in riddles. I just want to help my friends, this isn't just their fight, mine too. If you don't want to help me, then fine. I'll help myself. And stop calling me SON, you're not my father!" Day 5 and all my friends has mastered all their abilities. Jho was able to use his strength much like that of HULK. Chel, was able to do acrobatic stunts while utilizing his bow and arrows and shoot multiple energy arrows at once without being exhausted. Aldrin, was able to run faster than light, vibrate any part of his body and heal instantaneously. Julius and Ian are now both able to create and manipulate fire even without holding each other's hand, if they do they create a supernova. Kit was able to fly due to her command with the wind. Create tornadoes and hurricane and lift even a mountain. Sheena's sonic scream was able to shatter even the sturdiest mountain. At her full potential she can shatter even dimensional barriers. Mheanne was now able to conjure offensive spells like lightning bolt and energy balls. Rita is able to heal multiple people without straining her and put up a magical barrier that can heal as well. She can produce energy blast thru her hands. Jon, was able to make his astral self to act as his clone, no need for him to be in trance. He can create multiple copies that could combat anything. So he can fight at full strength without getting fatal wounds as his astral clones disappears upon receiving a fatal blow. His main astral form can possess anyone. You should've seen the event when he possess the body of Aldrin and ask Kit on a date. Laughter at its finest. Pam was able to negate any form of force that was thrown to her even by Jho or and energy blast from either Mheanne or Rita. Karl was able to master his telekinetic ability and was shown to lift and levitate himself and others. He was able to create a self-telekinetic barrier so he can go toe to toe with Jho. As for me, my hard work paid off. As someone who came from a shamanic lineage I was able to communicate with nature. Using my innate psychic abilities to commune with nature and command any plant to follow my command. Also I created some potions that could come in handy, from explosive ones to healing potions, from potions that can conjure fire, water, ice and wind to potions that can create a shield of some sort but not as strong as what my friends can do. But if it's assisting them I would go all out to help them win this fight. With or without those Nephilim powers of mine. Day 6, tomorrows the battle that would decide the faith of the universe. We were called to a final meeting and to meet with the other Guardians and Nephilim guardians alike. I saw Satchiel and Pam talking and saw her crying. As I was about to come to her side she ran to me and hug me. She kissed me and say this words. Words that I will forever remember, "I am not who I thought I was, but that will not hinder me from loving you with all my life. I will do whatever it takes to help win this battle so we can be together for all eternity. I love you." I was about to reply but she put her fingers on lips and kissed me passionately. It was almost noon when all of the members came. We are only a handful. Ramael, Satchiel's right hand reported that some Guardians has left to hide, some has chosen the dark side and most of the attendees were killed in an ambush. There was a commotion all over. How can we win? We're like a thousand in numbers and the enemy is like hundreds of thousands. Samaiel, the eldest of all stood at the platform and said. Even if we are out number we have one thing that they don't have. We have the Nephilims. If I can remember it right he said that the ratio in terms of power is that 1 is to 1000. Meaning one Nephilim alone can wipe out a thousand dark ones. Now that's a relief. But still we need teamwork to pull this off. Our group was divided into two. Karl, Jon, Ian, Julius, Chel and Rita are with the Range squad while the rest of us are with the mid-range squad. Most of the Guardians and the older Nephilims were put in the front lines as they can handle their own. Honestly, I'm scared. I don't know what to think. But I am still puzzled by the words that Satchiel and Pam has told me. Satchiel: "One of you shows darkness", and from Pam: "I am not who I thought I was, but that will not hinder me from loving you with all my life." What do they mean by those words? I am not about to lose my girlfriend I'll brew some more potions however I can only bring much. The meeting ended and everyone has started preparing for battle. I took a shoulder bag and put all my potions, I have created spell tags so that if my voice is damage I would still be able to use hand magic. My friends went to my room and we hugged each other. We promised to not let anyone of us die in that battlefield. We have ensure that we will all go home together. No one will be left behind. We all made a pact but I wish that this is just all part of some crazy dream I have. That once I am hit by a knife or an arrow I will wake up on my bed in my room at our house. I love these guys and I will go out of my way just to ensure their safety. We sang and dance and drunk in my room. Hey you can't blame me, if we lose it's the end of the world anyway. So we decided to party hard. Tears come rushing down my cheeks as I see the smiles of my friend. I will end this war for the sake of Love, my family and friends. I will ensure that the future generation will have a world to live in. A world where we can all live peacefully.

............….. LIGHTS OUT...............…