1. So Cute...

UPDATED ON 01/20/2021 - Changed their name slightly (I guess, I won't be writing any such stories further; if you do not know, it seems writing ff with sensual scenes are going to problematic and though I write soft fluffy things, just to be safe I'm doing this...Please know that this is a fantasy!)

A young man who looked to be in his early twenties made his way through different alleys which were desolated, in the otherwise bustling city of Seoul.

He took a left then a right, he walked through the narrow alleys for a long while until it opened up to a small road.

Hidden in the shadows of the urban district was a very small district with about 20 small houses, surrounded by nature and green.

Taking a deep breath, a soft smile bloomed upon his already perfect features, he looked absolutely breathtaking.

As he walked to the end of the street, he was greeted by the old ajummas, who were passing through after buying their vegetables from the morning vendors, he smiled and nodded back to them.

The young man was sporting a black slim-fitted trench coat left unbuttoned with a black casual shirt peeking through it over black pants, it gave a very elegant look to him but that contrasted with his soft ear length messy hairs over his jade-like soft and white skin plus the black diamond piercing he had on on his right ear, resulted in sexy vibes oozing from him, he was really attracting wide attention like a magnet!

He finally reached his destination at the end of the street.

He stopped in front of a small establishment.

The small building looked old but had an elegant and classic look to it with all those wood works in front.

The board over read "MinMin's Cafe", reading the name his smile deepened.

He pushed the door open.

With the soft jingling sound of the bell from above the door, a soft voice came out from inside, "Okaerinasaimase, okyaku-sama".

The voice was that of a man, who had a soft smile on his face as he greeted the still unknown customer, his voice gentle, his bearings perfect exuding calm and comfort.

When the man inside got a look at the newly arrived customer, his small but beautiful eyes widened and he stood in his place frozen.

The young man who just came in looked at his startled face and softly chuckled, as he thought to himself, ' He hasn't changed a bit..'

"Tadaima..", he spoke back, waking the other man from his reverie.

After the other man came to his senses, a mesmerising smile bloomed upon his face as he came forward with large strides, to give the young man a bear-hug.

"hahaha...Junggukkie, it's been a long while"

The young man had grown up a little from the last time he saw him, he was now a little bit taller than he was before, he had to tip-toe a little to reach his neck now.

His face had bloomed and his looks have sharpened... but what didn't change was the young man's smile when he looked at him and his slim body that perfectly fitted him in, when he hugged him, his eyes reddened a little, ' he really came back'....

Jungg-kook hugged the smaller man back and his grip tightened over his waist as he inhaled the smell of the man; the smell that he was used to, the smell that he really loved, the smell that he has been yearning for the last one year, it was the smell and the man he really missed for the past year...

He softly called out, "It's really been a while, Jimmin-ssi"


It was early in the morning....

Considering both the time and the location of the cafe, there was no one inside the cafe at the moment except the two.

Jimmin was the owner of this small cafe and also served as the waiter for it, it was a small establishment and he loved working here on his own when he had free time.

He had opened this cafe last year after he decided to take a break from his Idol works.

Jungg-kook kept peeking glances at Jimmin, who was pouring his drink for him, from his seat by the floor-to-ceiling window, as he wriggled his fingers, he seemed to be nervous...well, it's been a while that he saw the man.

Jimmin was in a standard classic uniform for waiters.

With a casual slim fit white shirt over black pants and shoes, a long apron tightly bound to his lean waist enhanced the attractiveness of his slim body.

His slightly long hairs were curled towards the end with one half gelled to the left side, leaving the other part hanging over his forehead, he too had a black diamond piercing on his left ear which seemed to be a pair with the one Kookie was sporting.....with a soft smile always lingering on his cute lips, he looked really beautiful; he was like an immortal fairy, who got lost in the mortal world, he looked so pure, so beautiful.....

It was a different look from when he was in stage....too different.

Jimmin had long noticed his behaviour but acted like he didn't and just kept a small smile on his face, after he was done, he came to the table Jungg-kook was sitting on and placed the glass, " Hai, your Banana milk with chocolate cookies", he gave him a wink as he sat in the chair in front.

He saw him take the glass and slowly drink the milk as if nothing could faze him but his red ears gave him away.

'So cute', Jimmin mused himself.

He kept staring at that beautiful face of his, as his thoughts went back to the time from a year ago.