2. I'll be lonely...

The first impression he left on me after our first meeting was,

'shy but cute and his rabbit-smile can topple countries.'

Back then he was slightly shorter than me and used to follow me around calling 'Jimmin-hyung...Jimmin-hyung' in a childish voice, his voice hasn't opened up..he was so cute.....

But before I knew it, the little child with baby fat on his round face has turned into a handsome young man with sharp features.

Now he was taller than me and his personality took a huge turn, if I didn't know better, I would think that a foreign soul was occupying his body.

The boy with a shy smile and cute face seemed to be a part of a fleeting dream, he was gone like POOF and in exchange of him, a black-bellied maknae was born. He seemed to like bullying his hyungs, he had become a lot cheekier, he was now taller, he didn't call me 'hyung' anymore and was taller than me and he always seems to be making fun of me with that KIM TAEHYUUNG....grrr...and he was taller than me.

The little boy was gone and he had become a lot more annoying but here's a secret between you and me,

I still seem to like this kid a little more every day, he has grown up on me plus he is cute, no matter what!!

I don't know when my feelings started to change for him but I have no regrets...


It was a year ago...

We were having a drink after the completion of our World Tour....

We all were pretty much drunk, when our Manager came to us and said that we'll be going on a break for about a year or so...

We were all shocked but then considering the fact that all the member were already busy doing some business and our heavily packed schedules for the past few years, everyone acknowledged the order, we did need some rest.

It was not like we'll stop making music, it's just that our shows will be turned down to bare minimums and we will be getting plenty of rest, it is to improve ourselves for a better future...we all are 'Forever Young' anyway!!

But I was too dense...

The next day, I was packing my bag to leave the dorms, when he came to my room to meet me with a serious face....

Before I could say something, he asked me to sit down and listen to him.

Him being this serious was very rare so, I went with it....

But when he was finished with what he had to say, it left me so shocked that I completely froze on place.

He said,

He will leave Seoul...

He will go abroad to learn more about composition...

He won't be coming back for a whole year...

He won't keep in contact with me...

I was too shocked but still, I managed to ask him his reasons...

He said that he wants to get better at making music like his hyungs and that, he will give it his all, this whole year.

I knew for a while that something like this was going to happen but never thought that it would happen this soon.....

I didn't want him to go and that was my real feelings on the matter but I didn't say it out loud... It was because I know that, doing that will hurt him.

I don't want him to leave me but I also don't want to hurt him.

Now that I think about it...what right do I have to stop him, I am just his 'hyung'...

I can't stop him from achieving his dream because of my insecurities....and all that said, just who am I to him, anyway?

I smiled at my naivety in my head....

I looked at that serious face of his and smiled at him with my brightest smile possible.

Even though my heart was wrenching in pain....but I consoled myself..' It's not forever..it's just for a year'.....

That was when I realised that, even though it's not 'forever' for now, still, a time will come when he will leave me forever and thinking about it, I was unable to continue smiling.

But just then--


He suddenly hugged me.


"Jimmin-ssi, please wait for me", Junggkook's voice was a bit throaty? It felt like he was keeping his emotions under control.

Jimmin who was shocked by this sudden development didn't know where to put his hands or legs...he was so overwhelmed by his emotional fluctuations that he felt his eyes burning, he was going to cry.

Junggkook, as if, knowing what he felt, tightened his grip over him and continued, "I'll come back strong. I'll become someone who can proudly stay by your side...so, please wait for me..please.."


Jimmin felt like he was hearing things, because what Junggkook said felt like some sort of confession or was it just him?

Maybe he was hallucinating because his emotions were running wild, or maybe he was making wrong assumptions about the words Junggkook had spoken.

' Yes, that's must be it!' , Jimmin assured himself and that was when he heard Junggkook continue--

"Once I come back....I will make you mi-.....I mean.. when I come back I have something to tell you, so, please wait for me..It's very important", he tightened his grip further as he snuggled closer to the smaller man who fitted into his embrace perfectly.

Jimmin shivered under his breath as Junggkook inhaled his smell.

Jimmin didn't know what to say.

It seems like he wasn't hallucinating, Junggkook really said those words!!

Jimmin was dense but not to the point that he didn't understand someone's feelings.

He was both elated and slightly scared, he didn't want this to be a dream and even if it was, he didn't want to wake up from it.

He was happy beyond reasons that Junggkook felt the same for him.

He was a very straight forward person so, once he determined that their feelings were mutual, he got his courage out of thin air and decided to confront the younger man, he didn't want to wait for a year.

Junggkook was really like an ESPer and seemed to know what Jimmin was going to say, so he suddenly covered the smaller man's mouth..."Don't!"

"mmph" Jimmin was not satisfied.

Junggkook used a softer tone when he saw such reactions, "I won't be able to go if you do that...and I want to be the one to do it..."

Hearing such cute words from such a cute person, Jimmin melted and said to himself, 'It's just one year ah~'

He tapped over Junggkook's hand, asking him to get them off, which he did.

"Why can't I contact you?", he asked as he changed there position a bit and snuggled up to his taller stature.

Junggkook smiled as he embraced him tighter until there was no space between them..

"If I hear your voice or see you through a video call, I won't be satisfied and would want to meet you...You will become my distraction...plus if I speak to you once, I would want to do it again and again...If I couldn't meet you then I'll be too lonely...though I will keep thinking about you each passing moment, if I don't see you, I think I will be able to control myself or else....." he trailed off.

Jimmin was already grinning like a fool from hearing such sweet-words that he was okay with leaving him now and like he said, if they really kept in contact, it will be distracting, the both will get lonely if they are not physically beside each other.....and so, the matter was solved.

After that Junggkook left for a year and Jimmin found a place to build a cafe for them, it was for them to relax when he comes back, it'll be their safe haven.

Side Story:

Jimmin : Why do you keep bullying me?

Junggkook : (hugs him) It's my way to show my love for you, do you hate it?

Jimmin : (blushes) No.