Chapter 25 - Pack extermination (2).

He knew if he were to spare them now, they would most likely bring either another pack of wolves or attract some any other animal. Putting a stone on his heart he ended them one by one and threw their bodies alongside their pack members in a deep hole where he threw them.

Finally with the extermination of every member of the pack he felt safe and he decided to take a look at their main den which was located on a warm sublime stone area, heaps of dried grasses were spread out everywhere very likely the wolves brought it there from the surface to be used as a padding, it was their dwelling place. There was a huge pile of bones right next to their dwelling most likely their previous prey.

Two peculiar bones held a particular interest towards him, they were a cranium and a femur bone of a Human. In the heap, he was able to find other human bones as well. This pack had most likely would have tasted Humans before, no wonder there hunting team members were so intelligent they knew how to attack in a team and dodge the edge of his sword, must be the result of constant skirmishes with Humans he concluded.

This also meant there are humans nearby, he decided to go and meet them tomorrow.

Even if he were to go inside any further he won't be able to find a place like this, he thought, it had warm stones so no need to light a fire, most likely bugs won't approach here and with the grass padding, he would be able to sleep comfortably for today.

He gathered the dried grass mattresses and closed his eyes while yawning deeply. Taking account of things to do tomorrow in his mind, slowly he fell asleep.

But fate wasn't going to approve of his sleep that easily.


2 hours later…

"Psssh…. Come here...hey...Hey..."

"Human wake up…hey…here…"

Suddenly out of nowhere a ghastly whispering started echoing into his mind constantly, interrupting his sleep and darting him awake, swinging his blade he woke up completely alarmed. As he opened his eyes he couldn't find anything, on alert, he restricted his movements and brought the sabre close to him. It was a total silence nothing could be seen nor could be felt.

The voice appeared once again in his mind.

"Here…come here…I'll shall up..your Mind's eye...permanently"


Bilal suddenly felt a chill up his spine, it felt like ethereal snakes moving up onto his body, restricting every action of his, slowly and surely progressing towards his head, Abruptly he felt a slight 'tap' on his forehead in between the Eyebrows, inducing a slight buzzing sensation in his head.

The very next moment, multi-coloured glowing dots started appearing in his view all of a sudden, and that was his cue to leave, because whenever he sees those dots something bad happens. Truck crash, an encounter with the Ice shard, The Redeye, every one of these events are connected with the appearance of those dots.

Taking large strides and adopting a quick reflex he immediately started running like crazy towards the entrance, and quite, fortunately, the entrance wasn't that far either just 40-50 metres from the main den, seeing the entrance he felt an immense joy, he jumped at the exit only to be renounced back by an elastic black particle wall which obviously wasn't there when he dashed towards it.

He crashed loudly into the cavern wall and all of a sudden he felt a grappling pain in his right leg, the next moment he felt an unknown force pulling him in towards the deeper levels of the cavern. Everything seems to appear out of a horror movie.

"Human…..where do...think to escape to..?"

Coughing a mouthful of blood he took deep breaths and looked back, there were black illuminating particles creating a trail on the ground where the force was directing him towards just pulling him.

He regretted ever coming here now and swore never to come inside a cave ever again, but what's done can't be restored now. It would've been much better to sleep on a tree than inside a cave at least there would be no supernatural entity harassing him.

"... Follow this…trail..."

[Unknown energy waves affecting Brain activity]

[Nullifying energy waves]

Discovering that he can move now, he took full advantage of the fact and darted towards the exit with full force, only to be slammed back again. This time not giving him even a moment to resist and directly pulled him towards the trail.

Bilal saw the dark particle trial getting thicker and thicker before he could find out what happened he got pulled towards it.

He got thrashed into a dark corner of the inner reaches, what he saw next shocked him to his very core. As he looked up and saw a dim glowing human skeleton draped in a long robe-like outfit while having it's right hand tightly put on a round metallic jar with unknown Sigils on them while holding a thick book on it's left. Behind that Skeleton was a brick made podium like structure having those same Sigils carved onto construction.

" that jar…I'll teaches you…forbidden arts…."

" that metallic jar…."

All of a sudden he noticed his legs starting to move in their own like he didn't have any control on that, they were approaching towards that Skeleton.

[Nullifying energy waves]

Then with a 'thud' he fell on the ground once again and regained control, but it didn't last long because they started moving on their own…again.

[Nullifying energy waves]

[Nullifying energy…]

[... Energy…]

It was a continuous cycle of repetition, the whispering was exercising supreme control over him, while the System was cutting the connection on its own. Finally, the whisper won, as

It managed to bring him very much closer to the glowing skeleton bit by bit.

Within the contact distance, the whisper moved Bilal's hand and slid open the jar in a frenzy before System could cut the connection.

Dark black smoke began trickling out of it and assumed the form of a ball of a wisp.