Chapter 33 - Valzer's Transition to Demonjack.


A whistling sound reached his ears and within a moment Bilal was surrounded by tens of black-clothed figures standing atop trees.

"Barbarian, where do you think you're running off to?"

One of the black-clothed figures asked him haughtily with a menacing look in his eyes.

Every clothed figure had their eyes fixed on to Bilal as he stood flabbergasted on the ground grabbing his saber tightly, looking somewhat nervous and dazed.

"What? You wanna fight?" The black-clothed figure asked obviously seeking an answer.

Getting none this time also, seemingly impatient, the Black clothed figure slid off a sleek hidden knife and threw it towards Bilal at an extreme speed that too within a fraction of a moment.

The knife was akin to a venomous snake; silent but lethal, it flashed wildly towards its the target like an animated snake curving at an unknown angle along its the way.

If anyone were to notice the scene beneath the veil-like cloth of the black-clothed figure they would see a scornful expression full of contempt and disdain, one could see him sneering at Bilal, having a look of absolute confidence could also be seen.

Unfortunately, the black-clothed figure's face of confidence was quickly dropped and was instantaneously replaced by one of confusion and anger as a screeching 'Clang' was resounded in the forest.

The sound was of the collision from two metallic objects, it was his hidden knife being parried by Bilal's drawn saber, he couldn't believe someone with no observable attainments could stop his hidden snake throw.

Hidden behind was an expression of hatred on the black-clothed figure's face he wanted to tear Bilal apart, but he stopped suddenly heeding the strange silence amongst his companions, hurriedly turning his head around the black-clothed figure watched his companions fell off the trees consequently like thread severed puppets.

Before the black-clothed figure could even turn around, a heavy feeling struck his head and his sight started to darken following those effects he blacked out and from the tree, he fell, but before his blackout, he saw one of his companions clapping her hands towards the hillbilly.


2 days ago.

In a nearby place called the Redwood forests within its unknown going depths lives a lumberjack often called as The Demonjack, as if possessed by a Demon, he neither drinks nor eats and just focuses on felling trees his behavior was often interpreted as a type of vengeance against the trees and often strange rumors about him circulated in the Redwood forest tribe.

None of the Tribal dares enter into the deeper sections of the Redwood forest occupied by that lumberjack avoiding its location altogether, even if they really were to be really desperate, this all started around 15 days ago when a local saw the lumberjack split a Gigantic tree in half with just a single strike from his Axe, since then one could hear the sounds of someone's scream all day long.

The Chieftain of the tribe forbade anyone from entering the forests nor let anyone enter it with the fear of provoking that person.

Deep inside the Redwood Forests;

"1999...2000…Ahhh…what a chore this is"

"Can't believe the GREAT Valzer, the GREAT Hero of Light is now occupying the body of a helpless lumberjack and chopping off trees!!!" A man with Fiery Red hair mumbled while as he plugged an Axe on his belt and went dragging his two freshly cut humongous trees with utilizing both his hands and creating parallel trails on the ground.

Around him was a scene resembling a construction site, gigantic trees were stacked into a pile the size of a mini-mountain, looking at it the rumor of him having a vengeance against trees really seem to be stating the truth.

Stretching his lean and muscular arms the man lifted both of them to the shoulder level and threw both the trees aiming the top of that gigantic pile. But alas, all his previous works and effort went into dust like one of those trees collided hard with the structure and collapsed it badly.

"Your aim is slightly off but you would be able to perfect it with the Empire's Training" A feminine voice came from behind.

As if expecting it, the lumberjack didn't even turn around and replied calmly "Sure I would, but what's the Empire you're talking about?"

"Ohhh yes, yes, you surely wouldn't know what the Empire is!!!" the feminine voice stated with a slightly loud voice.

Turning around abruptly the lumberjack came face to face with the owner of the feminine voice, she was covered fully in black.

"Don't get angry little girl, I'm somewhat new here?" The lumberjack said with a teasing smile.

"I've seen and killed a lot of self-serving fools like you already, Low initiates like you are almost everywhere, now prepare to die!!!" the female in black clothes screamed and out-of-nowhere threw a row of sleek hidden dagger-like projectiles towards the lumberjack.

The row of eight projectiles spanned the small distance in an instant, but before they could hit their target they were deflected instead by the blunt end of a woodcutter's Axe.

The Axe stroked like a flowing river deflecting the incoming blades smoothly and protected the lumberjack from any damage, yet a black shadow wielding a short sword instantly dashed towards the man at an extreme speed not wasting a single second.

In response, the man hurriedly changed his carefree posture to more suitable for a fight and charged a heavy stroke downwards with the Axe at the black shadow.

The collision of the Axe with the short sword resulted in a sparking 'Clang', the full impact was displaced both of them some steps back, which the black-clothed lady somersaulted in the air and dished out another attack.


Rhythmic clangs resounded deeply in the air time and time again as their weapons crashed into each other, at first the lumberjack was at an advantage as he seems to have greater reflexes and seem to be masterful in wielding Axes. But his advantage slowly kept disappearing with each strike, block, and parry, as his Axe started chipping away fragments of its blade restraining his momentum constantly.

With her speed, she was able to dodge his ferocious strikes at the same time counterattack him doing various parkours her and there at the same time counterattack using her hidden weapons.




Their usual melee confrontations continued until the last strike where the Axe's blade was completely cracked it looked probable for it to break anytime soon at the same time the short sword of the lady wasn't even scratched in the least maintaining it's an optimum condition all along.

Taking advantage of the fact the black-clothed lady purposely dished out a heavy attack using both her hands and put up the weight of her whole body behind her strike, instead of the usual backhand strikes.

Receiving it the Lumberjack was suddenly dazed for a second by the change of technique but he still responded back with both his hands too imitating her strike, but quite attributing to his bad luck the Axe already on the verge of breaking suddenly fragmented as a whole between the strike.


The fragmented part fell on the ground and left him exposed for a moment, which left more than enough time for the black-clothed lady to leave a deep gash on the lumberjack's chest.

Wiping off the blood from her short sword with a flick, the black-clothed lady slowly came forward and said: "You indeed is no pushover 'Demonjack', if I called you how you are mentioned in the low tribe which my team just massacred."

"But sadly background advantages everywhere, if you'd joined the Warrior corps of the Empire a Crysolite gear like this blade would've been waiting for you"

"I'm gonna ask you yet again…would you join the Empire's army or not?"

Gently rubbing the gash with his palm slightly, the lumberjack with a serious face said: "But you still haven't told me what 'The Empire' is!"

Assuming the answer to be a no, the female figure jumped and assumed a backhand weapon form in the mid-air, her sword radiated a dim gaseous black glow with a trial of black color following her as she rushed onto him at a never seen before speed.

The lumberjack stood still like a helpless cripple with no hope, it appeared as if he had already accepted his fate since his eyes were closed while he desperately clinging onto that broken Axe with his hand.

The black-clothed lady didn't waste time either as she appeared within a second before him and created a thrusting action aiming his neck, everything seemed to be one the verge of end.

But the Fate appeared to have something else in mind.

Just an inch away from the lumberjack's neck, following an audible murmur, a sudden wall of light emerged out of nowhere appearing at the point of contact.

"Initiate Light Spell - Light Screen Deflection"

The black-clothed figure went flying as all the force behind that strike was deflected back to her with an observably greater addition in power, ricocheting two Redwood trees in her path, she bashed into an enormous variant of Redwood inscribing a human-like outline on it.

"Initiate Light Spell - Spiraling Rope of Binding"

A calm voice resounded in the forest and it followed with an instantaneous change in the surrounding white particles, they were abruptly pulled and transfigured into a manifested rope of light tightly binding the Black clothed figure from head to toe.

"Playtime's Over little girl…Remember the name, it's Valzer, you might know of my previous title as the GREAT HERO OF LIGHT"

Starting was a calm tone the lumberjack or the Former Hero of Light Valzer, stepped towards the Light bounded figure on the ground.

Valzer's Body was radiating a golden-white flowing aura accompanying it was a Mystical pressure, the Radiant Light rays outlined the shape of a priming skeleton on his skin.

Grabbing the veil-like cloth and tearing it apart, he observed the enchanting and mesmerizing face behind it, her beauty appealed to be almost flawless at first sight, many men would've easily fell in love with her and might've spare her, but in his eyes, her actions betrayed any sort of mercy just because of her beauty.

Not caring the least for the petrified and frightened expressions on her face, he held her by the neck and whispered in her ears.

"The reincarnated Hero of Light Valzer now lives for himself, not for some hypocrites of Yreka who took me for granted once. I thank you for giving me the new persona 'Demonjack' I gladly accept it as my new identity, Now die and give me your body as well!!!!!"

The Strange pressure mobilized and invaded her head promptly dropping all the resistance from her body, closing her eyes for eternity and ending her Soul's journey.

"Secret Arts - Flesh Assimilation"

The Demonjack's whole body started cracking and snapping all of a sudden, resembling a sublime solution it flowed deep inside her body from her mouth.



"No wonder the Fate has guided you towards Yreka, it's just like the time when I was transported here"