Chapter 34 - First meeting with Valzer.

Location: Dual Mountain Forests.

Like an instinct, Bilal's right hand moved instantaneously at the sudden premonition of danger.

Memories of the Basic Projectile Deflection technique was recalled into his mind, following which his hand steered accordingly and a somewhat heavy feeling could be clearly felt on the grip of his Saber.


Together with some sparks, a screeching sound resounded in the forest reverberating in all directions.

Looking at the deflected target Bilal came to realize it is a throwing knife.

Suddenly his pupils contracted as he slowly recognized the disparity between them, the deflection was just his instinct adulterated with a little bit of beginner's luck and that too left a numbed feeling in his hand attributed to the force of the throw.

Bilal couldn't fathom, would he ever be able to leave alive? Being surrounded by tens of black-clothed figures as they glared at him a deep feeling of fear gripped his heart.

'Just run…fucking run….'

These were the only thoughts being popped into Bilal's mind and just as he was about to comply to them, a unique scene played in front of him, he saw the black-clothed figures standing atop the trees being dropped off one-by-one resembling lifeless string severed puppets, the one throwing that knife fell all the same.


Their subsequent fall was accompanied by an unforeseen rhythm of claps, instantly turning his head towards the sound, he found a black-clothed figure clapping and casting her gaze towards him.

"No wonder the Fate has guided you towards Yreka, it's just like the time when I was transmigrated here" the black-clothed figure spoke in a feminine voice.

Shocked by the sudden turns of the event, Bilal couldn't really grasp the situation. But the word 'Transported' played on a loop in his mind.

'YES..yes, she must know what's happening, I must ask her!!!'

"Hey!!! Are you from Earth??! Please help me here, I can't even understand what's happening here!!!" Bilal immediately cried out.

"Earth, huh? That's the name of your Plane? Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not from your Plane, Legatee"

That black-clothed figure answered nonchalantly and jumped off the tree treading towards him.

'Legatee? Why is she referring me as such??' Bilal pondered.

"Who are you and why am I Transmigrated here??" he asked.

"Who am I? And why are you here?" The black-clothed figure said as she stepped towards him leisurely.

As if commanded, the nearby white particles went running towards the black-clothed figure gathered at an immense speed, never had Bilal seen the Particles behave like this. They also expelled the other color particles from the region and started adhering everywhere.

The region of the forest kept getting bright and flashy eventually basked in radiant white light emitted by the gathered particles eventually covering every nook and cranny of the area, the region seems to come directly from a fairy tale. The Light existed was so intense that they blocked somewhat blinded his view and dulled the Sun's light within that region.

Marked in the Core of the region was a figure surrounded by threads of immense white light, the clothes being white it produced a scene of complete contrast looking heavenly and pure.

All of a sudden, the black-clothed figure fell on the ground as if flicked by an invisible hand and left behind a Humanoid collection of white thread of Immensely radiating Light, the White threads seemingly full of light behaved collectively and began weaving around an outline, materializing a skeleton shaped somewhat physical body.

The skeleton was 6 feet tall and was basked in ardent prisming light, moving his illusory jaws it spoke in a male voice.

"Would you still ask who am I?"

Seeing the glowing skeleton Bilal went to daze recalling the scene from inside the cave it played on a loop inside his mind, the scene consisted of a prisming skeleton grasping a white book decorated with golden edges with the right hand and placing another on a Black jar with various sigil encarved on it.

He could remember the invasion of that Black Shadow and the Infusion of the white particles inside his body from that White book, he shuddered recalling the body shredding pain he experienced.

"Now that you know who I am, let me fulfill my first purpose of coming here…" the skeleton said, pointing his illusory finger towards Bilal's heart "First let me take back my hard-earned Divine Earth Element"

A strong scorching feel swept over Bilal's left arm, which taking a look on, a tattoo of a coiled white snake could be spotted glowing with Unprecedented Radiance.

Shocking the wits out of him a massive eruption of Golden particles happened all of a sudden, they crossed the distance between them in a flash and revolved around the skeleton in a ring formation.

Taking a look again Bilal saw the Snake tattoo become faint and lose almost half its Brilliance.

"What was that…?" Bilal frowned and seeking an answer he asked.

"This is my Hard-earned special Element named 'Divine Earth' it was left behind in that damned book even after being released I couldn't take it back due to loss of power," The skeleton said while stroking the Ring of Golden particles.

Manipulating loads of White particles from the surrounding, a bead-sized Multicoloured Orb was quickly condensed on his Hollow skeletal hands, he looked at Bilal and said: "Now that I've fulfilled my selfish motive, it's your turn to be benefitted, after all, you've released me from that Cursed book and should technically inherit my legacy too…"

"This Orb contains all the General Information of this magic plane of Yreka, it also contains all the required Basic information regarding the Paths of Attainments, alongside it there are some Attainment arts of Body and Mind path all the way upto the Origin Realm…" the Skeleton stated and flicked the Orb with his Middle finger "Swallow this Orb somewhere safe since you don't know how to process Material Energy yet…"

"Crossing the Dual Mountian Forest there is an Olga Federation camp whom are recruiting talented Tribals as soldiers, join them….Remove and burn these clothings from your Plane they especially confirm your Planar Invader identity…" the skeleton not giving him a chance to speak kept giving instructions one by one without stop. "Also don't ever show this snake tattoo to anyone, all this destruction and massacre of these Tribes happened in results of your tattoo being seen.."

"Stay away from the Empire and the Sacred Lands as both would be your worst enemies in the Future…if you crave my complete legacy show up at Mount En Temron one year later…I don't have the time to explain everything to you since the Twin Demons would be here any minute now…" The skeleton not giving him even a single chance sucked all the White particles from the surroundings and said. "The objective of your transmigration should be to protect your Plane from being annexed into Yreka this Dissonance, 'Become Strong Enough' and accomplish what I couldn't."


Saying the last sentence the skeleton disappeared into a flash, leaving a discontent Bilal with loads of unanswered questions within his mind.

With a multicolored Orb in hand, Bilal kept repeating a certain sentence in his mind.

'Become Strong Enough'

'Become Strong Enough'

'Become Strong Enough'.

He too has been tired of being weak and vulnerable it's time for a change maybe, even if he wasn't strong on Earth, he swore to be Strongest here, to do anything he wants, whenever he wants.

Filled with an unprecedented level of motivation and drive, he started running in the direction dictated by the skeleton with his maximum speed.

Every now and then Loud collision sounds followed by fierce winds and Shockwaves kept resounding in the forests, but neither he stopped nor he would, since he knew stopping now would mean an uncertain future and maybe even death.

Before he was running for his cowardly life and now he is running for a certain goal, He was now running for a foreseeable future when he would be powerful enough to truly fulfill all his life's desires and acquire whatever he finds amusing.

But for it all, to would only appear true if he first gets out of this situation of a constant and imminent threat to his life.

He kept his legs going non-stop as he kept maximum speed and power, abruptly the previous feel of his legs being energized returned allowing him to stride more and more distance away from that spot.

The loud collision sounds that kept whistling in the sky and across the forest accompanying with ferocious winds kept deafening off indicating his distance from the original spot.

Turning his head around Bilal saw both the mountains covered in dust clouds from afar, he didn't knew how far had he came already, but the mountains were still in his view and the camp couldn't be seen….