Chapter 37 - History of Yreka and Reason for Transmigration.

"There are 4 stages or 16 Realms in the Attainment, they start from the Mortal Stage and end within the Stage of DeityHood" He paused. "They are..

Mortal Apprentice

Mortal Initiate

Mortal Adept

Mortal Orgin / Mortal Ascension

True Life (Mind/Body/Faith)

True Life Consolidation

True Life Existence

True Life Orgin / True Life Ascension"

"Beyond these 8 Realms comes the Realms of Sainthood and the Realms of DeityHood, but you shouldn't bother about them right now, since there are no Saints left and the Gods have been banished alongside the Deities" He kept explaining "Almost every Path follows these Realms, the more Realms an existence have crossed the more powerful he Becomes"

"And let me clear the fact that Deities and Gods are different, Deities basically are Attainers who were able to Complete the Attainment process, they are immensely powerful but they can be killed and they don't have a Divine authority whilst Gods are indirect representatives of Yreka's planar will, they are Natural born beings of Immortality and are granted a Divine authority using which they never die, from the recorded time till now, Numerous Deities have died but none of the Natural Gods have died"

"Now let me tell how and why you are Transmigrated here, but before that you have to understand Yreka's History"

"In a very distant past, Yreka was ruled throughly by Gods, they'd never allow any Saint to Ascend and many times they would massacre every Saint to get rid of threats. Despite their various attempts, many Saints Ascended successfully and went hiding with the other Deities. Some millennias later, gathering large numbers of their own, the prescecuted Deities launched an all out war against the Natural Gods."

"Their battles devastated the entire Yreka Major plane, Billions of lives were lost, Natural resources were sucked dry to fuel their war, many void cracks were left opened letting Half of Yreka's land to drift off in the Void"

"This War left the Planar consciousness severely weakened, for the first time the Planar consciousness awakened itself, a humongous female face arose the Entire Starry sky, it named itself as Yreka and in retaliation it took away the Divine authorities and banished away every Natural God alongside the Deities into the Void, and to stop the Saints from Ascending it sealed away the Saints as well, the Planar consciousness also razed the Heavenly Kingdoms of Gods"

"The Deities could only watch over and bestow a minimal of Strength to their followers, leaving the Divine Path Attainer behind in dust compared to the Body Path"

"This was the time when Mortals came to know the Plane's name, but the situation wasn't so good for the Mortals as well, from the Void cracks came invaders from other plane, some were Long eared, some were Short and some were Hybrids of Human and Beasts, they were essentially different from Humans and had various advantages of their own, utilizing the remaining forces Humanity fought hard and tough but weren't able to banish them off from Yreka, eventually signing off a peace treaty with the Invaders"

"Many other races came along and the peaceful ones settled down, they diversified Yreka and strengthened themselves along Humans. Everything appeared normal, many of the Void cracks were almost closed, the Natural Resources too were getting replenished. But the peaceful times didn't last long as after 2 more millennias from a small Void crack came strange beings of no form, they were radically different from Every other beings"

"From within those Void cracks waves and waves of Multicolored orbs of Magical properties flooded in which were later came to be known as Elements. And the strange beings called themselves as Elementals, they had no bodies and relied only on Elements to survive, they came first in small numbers not drawing any attention to them, in the dark they slowly corrupted the Yreka with the Elements eventually modifying the plane to accommodate and generate Elements as a part of the plane"

"A Major plane always consists of Physical World and Soul World. The Elementals interfered into the Planar consciousness and wrote the Elements inside the Soul World capturing it as whole"

"Soon, every race became aware of their actions but it was too late already, the World they knew for so long had already changed, the Elementals from their Plane of Origin marched into Yreka in full force and destroyed everything in their path. But the Elementals were insanely powerful beings, they were Master manipulators of Elements, they wiped out almost every Mortal Attainer and more than half of the True Life Attainers from Yreka"

"Luckily within time the Saints were able to redesigned the Body path and discovered the path of Magic which was extremely effective in eradicating Elementals. Yet even with Magic, they were unable to drive the Elementals off, due to them having already captured the Soul World"

"Even with the Saints relentless attempts to get rid of Elementals, they weren't able to stop their escape to Soul World and since only Deities were able to travel Cross dimensions the Soul World became the refuge for the Elementals, with this the Saints were able to maintain the Order for a short period of time, yet the damage was done, the Influence of the Elements disrupted the Natural Working of Yreka and created a Malfunction"

"For every Millenia Yreka would connect to some far distant Minor planes and quite naturally neither did the Saints nor did any Attainer tried seeking the Reason behind this phenomenon, since they were getting more land to Conquer and loot resources unimaginable, this malfunction was named as Elemental Dissonance"

"With each consecutive win, Yreka's land area was getting increased and the Elements grew more abundant and strong, allowing the Attainers from Path of Magic to compete with both the paths, what they didn't knew was the Elementals were also ammasing extraordinary strength on their side"

"The Attainers continued their wanton loot every thousand years and would do anything they'd liked. As if getting a new toy, they thought this as a game and didn't pay attention to it, this too went on, Until the Dissonance 20 millennias ago, that Dissonance connected Yreka with an unusual plane, it had no light source and the denizens resided in complete darkness, they were a Humanoid race of monsters and were named as Demons, they had a large variation of skin color and unique characteristics such as Pointy Horns, Sharp Claws and Jaws full of clear incision teeth, while some Higher Demons even had Wings and Tails allowing them to enjoy Flight"

"The weren't at all dangerous considering the strength of Yreka, considering a single True Life Attainer could exterminate the whole Plane, but the Planar gates of Physical World weren't opened yet, using this as an advantage the Darkness Elementals entered the Demon Realm and bestowed upon them the method for Magic Attainment, quite surprisingly the Demons had an inborn Supreme affinity for Darkness Element which they embraced it wholeheartedly"

"An Elemental Dissonance lasts 10 years and within that time a Winner has to be decided, the Winner gets the Whole plane as their reward assimilated into Yreka, the Elementals competed to increase the Soul World's territory and the Denizens of Physical World competed for their personal gains at the same time assured their safety"

"Usually the plane with Higher Power aka (Major plane Yreka) pulls the talented Awakened residents within it from the Lower plane. This same happened with Me, You and with every other talented Resident, And within that list came a resident of Demon Plane named Saguz. He was a Lower Demon within his realm but was fortunate enough to have a Darkness Element Magic Art, he cultivated the Attainment using the Vast resources of Yreka and gathered the awakened Demons secretly within Yreka and helped the Demons rebell successfully against the Darkness Elementals, opening the Planar gates Demons flooded into Yreka, wrecking chaos and destruction"

"But their army weren't powerful enough to face joint Races of Yreka in all out war, so they signed a peace treaty and isolated themselves within their Planar Area which was then assimilated into Yreka, A millenia later Saguz completed the True Life Ascension and successfully Ascended to Sainthood, he established the Demon Empire and proclaimed himself as the First Demon Emperor, but he wasn't impulsive enough since there were large amounts of Newly advanced Saints and the Sealed Saints as well"

"With time Yreka exceeded it's initial size and became larger than ever before, but each Dissonance the Enemies too grew stronger, after Demons came Phairs, Treants, Dragons, Undead and many more uncanny creatures, slowly grinding away the Saints, with the DeityHood Ascension sealed they died with ongoing tides of time, but the New ones rose as well but maturing them took time"

"15 Millennias ago, the Planar consciousness of Yreka awakened once again, displaying the grandeur and glamour upon the now enhanced plane, it acknowledged every Race even Elementals as its Denizens, it released the Saints of the Old from their seals and disappeared doing nothing about the Dissonance"

"Around 4 Millennias ago within its destined time, the Dissonance as usual began. But this time the threat wasn't from outside neither it was from the Elementals instead it was from Long Ignored Demons, never participating in any Dissonance allowed them to grow their forces freely and of by then, their forces expanded to be able to compete against the Joint forces from the other races. With 18 Demon Saints and Saguz as a Demi-Deity, he waged war against every weak race, he either assimilates them into his army or massacre their Race as whole"

"They fought for over a millenia already and captured around 25% of Yreka's land merging it into Demon Plane. The war against the Demons raged every few years resulting in huge losses of Lives. Many minor races were exterminated along"

"Around 2 Millennias ago, the Dissonance befell yet again and it connected to a Minor realm, the residents of that realm were beings of Light, they had Supreme affinity for the Light elements and would've been the next Major race to be Included in the diverse environment of Yreka, but their same affinity became a great threat to Demons, as soon as the Physical World's Gates opened an armies upon armies of Demons rushed in and exterminated the Whole plane"

"But what they didn't knew was the arrival of one of the surviving denizen, in a fruitful encounter he stumbled across an abandoned temple of a Deity, he became that Deity's sole follower, whom granted him with Divine strength and a Saint grade Light element Magic Art. Using this along with many more boons from serendipitous encounters, that survivor rose in power very quickly, collecting a group of like minded Youngsters he went on a quest to kill every demon for destroying his whole world"

"Facing many more challenges along the way he Ascended to the realm of SaintHood and with the help of that Deity he successfully slayed over half the Demon Generals. Having enough power to draw Demi-Deity Saguz into forfeit he drove the Demons back, but was unsuccessful in killing every Demon…His tales was sung in every Bar and Inns by the renowned Bards, He was titled as the GREAT HERO OF LIGHT, by the whole Yreka"

"But the Hero's journey didn't end here, in an attempt to erase his bloodthirst for Demons, he tried every method to cross into the Demon Plane but by now the Demon Plane had became a separate existence in the Yreka, it resembled Soul World but only a miniature version of it, a Deity was required to phase into the Demon Plane, but clearly he wasn't a Deity, hell he wasn't even a Demi-Deity"

"In a craze, he contacted the Deity for more help but instead of helping, the Deity convinced the Hero to plot against the Planar consciousness. Their plan was to remove the Seal of Natural Order and reallow the Ascension to DeityHood. The Saints of Old came to stop the Hero but he in rage Slaughtered them all easily, giving their laziness as the reason behind his Plane's destruction"

"The news of the Killing of Saints didn't came public, but the people in higher power became aware of it, they deliberately suppressed the news since they didn't want to die by some unknown light beam"

"In his new quest for vengeance he contacted the Soul World and asked for the Elemental's help to loosen the seal, but that Deity didn't plan on helping the Hero and neither did the Elementals, as soon as the seal loosened the Deity sent a silver of it's Divinity to capture the Hero's body and the Elementals immediately constructed permanent gateways into the Physical World of Yreka, they entered into the Physical World and once again fought with their long forgotten enemies"

"Utilising everything he had the Hero was able to change his fate of his body getting possessed, but all his Attainment were sealed inside a grimoire and he died in a place unknown. And after a millenia or so an unknown stranger of Fate stumbled into the Hero's dying place, he subdued the now weakened cursed Grimoire and lifted the seal from the Hero, the stranger could even subdue the Mysterious object the Hero was fortunate to get with no Attainment at all"

"And that's the end of this story Bilal now can you guess, who was the Hero and the unknown stranger?" Valzer asked.

Bilal suddenly snapped out of and said in a low voice "Hero is You and the Unknown stranger is me, this time Yreka connected with the Earth and I was Transmigrated because of my talent, you've made me your legatee because I freed you from that book"

"Finally, you've got everything right, do you have anything else to ask?" said Valzer.

"What's with that entity from within the Black Jar? He has appeared two times already and he calls himself a Demi-God" Bilal asked

"As I've told, I had many, many fortunate encounters and that Black Jar was one of them, I've found that relic inside an ancient dungeon, it was originally meant to seal something but I with a hermit blacksmith managed to reconfigure it into a magic weapon"

"This Magic Weapon turned out many folds more powerful than I could've ever imagined, it became my Trump card in dangerous situations and it had managed to protect me from the Saguz's final blow. I knew all along that it is related to the Natural Gods since it never ever ran out of power, but be careful don't let that Demi-God fool you, don't let that Demi-God control your emotions it would be disastrous for you….any other question?"

"I have been Transmigrated but I don't know my purpose, what should be my purpose exactly?"

"Ah..Bilal you would be the first to ask this, do you not have any unfulfilled wishes? Do you not want to hoard all the treasures? Do you not want to bring justice on to the weak? Do you not want to bring Doom to all Lifeforms? The choice is yours either you become the Valzer or become Saguz I won't interfere, I'd recommend finding your purpose after you've become strong enough"

"And let me transfer you the Light Mage Art which I used to Conquer the Demons, it was created during the First Elemental Descent Era by the early Light Mages, the Art was mandated for every Light Mage to practice but with the emergence of many Support and Healing spells, this Art was the only offensive Magic Art of Light Element, with less and less Attainers practicing this Art it was lost in the tides of time and the Light Mages became more aligned towards Healing and Support roles, fortunately a follower of that Deity recorded this Art and presented it to his Lord, in the end this Art was passed onto me"

"Brace yourself!!!"

The white room shook loudly and brightened all of a sudden, the Radiant lights converged towards Valzer in a whirlpool they basked him in Light and he stretched his arm forward, the eye blinding ardent lights gathered onto his Palm into an Orb of Light which was shot on Bilal's image.

"The grimoire's curse has been lifted and the Divinity has degraded into a fake consciousness, the grimoire contains numerous chants for the Light spells compatible with this Art. And stay away from the Empire and the Sacred Lands I don't have much time to explain the reason, I wanted to pass on much more information to you but this is to the largest extent that I can help"

"After this you have to prove your worth, atleast become a Mortal Adept and come to Mount En Temron in the Dragon's fall province"

These were the only sentences Bilal was able to hear before he was pulled into a Myriad of Images.





"Your dinner's ready, open the door…"

[Module's end: - 2:00:45 s]

[Estimated here exceeded by 2 hours, waking up Host]

Abruptly Bilal opened his eyes large.