Chapter 51 - Meazon City and Asnon Town.

Meazon city state or simply the Walled city of Meazon, was a table-top city located on the outer fringes of the Redrock Fire Mountains, it was the home of the largest mining industry in the Olga Province with an underground sub-city located right beneath the surface of the Main city, which served as a mineshaft and the support system to the around the clock mining activities of Meazon, it also served as a underground market and a trade destination which attracted Ore merchants from all over the Olga Province who would like to do quick deals and make good profits.

Precisely because of that reason it attracted the ire of nearby nations which shared borders with the Federation, to defend the city against the invaders it was made to be the second-largest military city of the Olga Province, it housed Two of the Five largest regiments of the Federation army within the Main city, brimming with Army camps and military facilities it was no weaker than the Battle Fortress of the Storm Shield country.

With a populace of 5 million civilians and 20 thousand Soldiers it remained unconquered throughout the ages successfully, because of its practice of military autonomy and the non-hierarchichal meritocracy.

Although somewhat strange to the denizens of the other countries, it's success and survivability in the Fire Mountain Borders spoke volumes of this New system of Governing which was developed wholly by a philosopher from the Far Western Tundras who later came to be the first Governor of the Meazon city state.

Located North to the city is a humble town named Asnon, it is a small, peaceful town under the protection of the armed forces of Meazon city, it served as a passageway and provided cheaper accommodation, catering and lodging facilities for those who can't afford to do it in the Main city, it also featured a Teleportation ground, a very important location for very important people since not anybody can afford to Teleport, therefore most of the time it remained empty.

As for why it wasn't located at the city is due to the danger factor associated with it, for those who want to attack the city would first have to cross the town, giving enough time for the city to prepare for the onslaught and ready themselves against the attack. Although attacking the city this way is no way cheap or practical, it still used to happen every now and then, Assassins would directly Teleport into the city to avoid the checking and target the higher officials of the city to disrupt the balance.

Thus to avoid this scenario altogether from ever happening, a location in Asnon town was selected and with the help of the Federation's Mages that location was affixed and enchanted to be the Teleportation grounds.


Asnon Town, Teleportation Grounds…


A group of ten people, fell out of nowhere on the Soft land of the Teleportation grounds with a dull 'thud'.

Amongst them was Bilal and Trake, the kid held Bilal's hand tightly, who already had stood up and was gazing at the surroundings in confusion.

He stared at the single and double storied wooden houses intuitively, the rows and rows of houses that looked straight out from a fantasy story had a unique architectural sense to them which were a great attraction to him. He also sighed in relief when he saw real, normal people walking down the streets making their way towards them with curiosity.

'Huff…finally, no more wilderness, no more dangers'

But suddenly, an angst ridden scream sounded from behind garnering his attention

"It's because of you my brother died in there, you could've just teleported us from the beginning, mage or not"

"I'll end you" A Soldier with bloodshot eyes and trembling hands said with his Sword drawn.

The Old man looked coldly at the Soldier and in a rough voice he said "Is that so?"

Although the sword was drawn by the Soldier, the danger emitted by the Old man was stronger and could even be felt from a few feets away, but it appeared like the Soldier didn't knew or simply didn't care. Seeing this cold side of Old man Bilal couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

Bilal wanted to warn him against it, but it was too late, as he already had lunged swinging his sword along with a shrill scream.

But before he could come close, a flying foot came his way and disrupted his path causing him to be sent flying, a few meters away.

Just then a light flashed in the area where he was at, a second ago. The light gleamed and slashed the air in a curved arc. The air suddenly became hot and sharp at that instant and left a deep gash in the ground below.

If not for Dayes interfering in between with his kick, the Soldier would probably have been greatly hurt or might've even died by the action of the light.

"Do you think Captain hadn't considered that? Do you think Teleportation is cheap? To save you lot, Captain expended a good amount of fortune. Couldn't he just save himself from the snakes? Do you think they were enough to stop Captain? A Mortal Adept is not that weak….Every mission has its hazard, if you didn't wanna lose anything you shouldn't have joined the Unit at all, Apologize now!!" Dayes exclaimed.

Although Dayes' words brought some clarity to him, he still couldn't bear the loss of his brother. Abruptly he started crying and without a word he ran off the ground, assimilating with the onlookers.

Seeing the action, a crowd was gathered in front of them, they gaped directly at them with a mix of fear and respect in their eyes.

Soon three people draped in similar clothing, wrapped in gleaming steel armor squeezed out of the crowd. They had an imperious countenance on their faces and gave haughty looks to the crowd, but their facial expressions changed within a second when they arrived at the Teleportation ground, their arrogant vibe completely disappeared and their composure changed into one of Humility.

They bowed towards the group and one of them came forward to respectfully ask "Honorable guests, do you require any assistance?"

"Take me to Trie, arrange a soft bed, a few good set of clothes and a warm dinner for them" The Old man said in one breath and threw a gold coin at the Guard, who caught it with incredible flexibility.

"By Trie….do you mean Town chancellor Madame Trie?" the Guard asked in confusion.

"Is there any other Trie here? No right? I mean her only" He replied.

Their pupils constricted and sweat started dripping on their foreheads, when they heard the Old man mention their Lord chancellor's name so casually. They immediately thought In their minds 'Seems to be some big shot, must not agitate him'

"Ye..yes, Madame Trie must be at the Town hall, I will take you there immediately please come with me, Fers and Tuin will take care of the minor chore"

The Guard said in assurance.


The two Guards took the group to a local Tavern named 'The Delights Corner', where a Buffy guy stood at the entrance and welcomed them inside.

"Oslo, these people are the Lord chancellor's special guests, take care of them with utmost respect, and fulfill all their basic needs" one of the Guard said to the Buffy guy and handed him the Gold coin in front of everyone

The Buffy guy named Oslo bit the gold coin with his teeth and determined the authenticity, he then scanned the group from head to toe and said "Dear guests, you appear to be coming from a great adventure….would you like me to warm the water to bathe?"

"Yes, do it" Dayes replied, seeing the condition of the group, he knew the Tavern guy was just being polite rather than adventurers they looked like Vagabonds instead. He remembered the looks, the onlookers gave them when he was being escorted there. The looks of contempt and disdain, if not for them having armor and weapons equipped which struck fear in their hearts, he was afraid that someone would've tried to rob them of their belongings.

They wouldn't even have been permitted to enter the town at first glance, without checking they would've been denied entry. That was the condition they were in currently.