Chapter 52 - Priorities.

After taking shower one by one at the tavern's bathroom and changing into a set of normal clothing given by the Tavern's employees, they were called downstairs to have a meal.

In the Dinner hall, every single one of the Soldier prayed to whatever diety they worshipped before having a delicious dinner, although it was just loafs of white bread, beef and vegetable soup in a wooden bowl. But compared to the Raw snake meat and cold water of the last few days, the meal they had right now was comparable to the sumptuous dishes of the Palace.

Even though the Snake meat was said to be nutritious it was by no way could be said to be delicious because of its bland taste and rough textures, but they had to consume it anyhow, to survive in the Wilderness since the vegetables they packed ran out a few days before that.

They haven't had proper sleep for a while now, they only slept within the small timeframe of one to two hours of break, after that they had to continue being alert which fatigued them very much mentally, thus when they had the dinner without wasting time, they immediately dived into the bed without thinking anything else since it was beyond Dusk anyway.


12 hours later

Bilal yawned in his bed and opened his eyes, he noticed the Sun's warm and soft rays which seeped through the wooden window of the room and scattered onto the floor.

Noting it was already noon, he sat on his bed and gazed at the Bed opposite to him where Trake still slept soundly. To not disturb the Kid he tiptoed to the bathroom, took a long shower and came downstairs to find Dayes, who was muching down breakfast along with Berat and Tyler whom had survived through the Ordeal luckily.

They invited him too and got him a plate of breakfast.

"You slept well Bilal?" Berat asked.

"Yes, I did, for more than 11 hours, I think"

"Bilal, i was just wondering if you'd like a tour of the town? What do you say we'd go to a nice tour today and tomorrow we set off for the City?" Dayes asked Bilal.

"Yeah, sure it's gonna be exciting" Bilal said with a relieved expression.

"Ok, so we set off in an hour or two after the Sun calms down a little bit, you can finish off whatever business you guys have" Dayes shared the plan with the three of them.

"Brother Bilal, what do you plan on doing next? Join the army?" Tyler asked Bilal curiously.

"Yeah, I'm told I have to attend a small training camp for 2 months before joining a Unit, isn't that so Dayes?" Bilal replied.

"It was indeed so Bilal, but Captain has other plans for you, he intends to let you join the 'Special Trainees squad'" Dayes said.

"...captain…." Berat sighed loudly which was heard by everyone making the joyful atmosphere gloomy instantly.

"Let's not wander on this topic anymore, as for why he did that even i do not know, but it was due to him only did we survived, you might not know but the Captains of other units are only at Mortal Initiate level, they have no way of getting a Teleport stone, you guys have worked in the Unit for a month right? Don't you feel it is strange to have two Mortal Initiate Attainers inside a small unit?" Dayes asked both the Soldiers.

"I was never keen about this stuff thus I never noticed it" Berat said nonchalantly.

"I am just a farmer's kid and have only took Guard missions before that, this I had no idea about this stuff" Tyler said.

"Actually the 4th Federation Squadron's 10th Unit is a non-active unit, meaning, the unit would never take active missions like this and would only take passive missions like guard duty, but due to some political interference the Unit had to accept this mission leading to this unforeseen situation. As for why the Interference happened is beyond me for now" Dayes said bringing more seriousness to the table.

"We understand Dayes, we aren't blaming him" Bilal said.

"Yeah, we do not blame him" Berat said.

Although they did said that, everyone at the table knew that wasn't the case so.

Following a few more minutes of silence, they finished the breakfast and went on to do their business.


Bilal moved upwards and woke the Kid up, instructed him to go take a bath and go downstairs to take his breakfast. While he sat in a relaxed posture as he interacted with the System interface.

'System, what is the mission status?'

[Host not responding to latest missions, System Operation Efficiency: 12%]

[Opening missions Tab]

[D.M #3]

[Investigate the foreign structures - Failed]

[Host moved too far from the mission area]

[D.M #4]

[Build up rapport - Talk to every Soldier - Failed]

[Mission Objective - Talked to 9/18]

[D.M #5]

[Kill Snakes - Passed]

[Mission Objective - Killed 20/10 Snakes]

[Mission Difficulty - D+]

[Mission Rating - AA+]

[Mission Reward - 3 Stars + 5 (Rating stars)]

[Remark - Go! Go! Snake Hunter]

[Opening Mission Records]

[Missions completed - 1]

[D.M completed - 3]

[Mission Ongoing - None]

[D.M Ongoing - Mark your priorities]

[Mission Stars - 22]

[D.M #6]

[Mission Objective - Mark your priorities]

[Mission Detail - To be a survivor, marking your priorities and acting on it, is a must to survive in an unknown land]

'Marking priorities huh?'

'First one gonna be, is to Find a Mana Stone and contact the Owl'

'Second, to take a look into the Magic Technique'

'Third, to train and become a Mid Mortal Apprentice Warrior'

'Fourth, Find a way back to Earth'

'That's all'

[D.M #6]

[Mark your priorities - Passed]

[Mission Difficulty - E-]

[Mission Rating - A]

[Mission Reward - 1 + 3( Rating star)]

After that he browsed through System a few more times, recorded the features of Ground Devils, recorded the information of a few local Vegetables and fruits, and also scanned the Asnon Town's map from the Navigations tab. Before he knew, it was time for the tour already.
