WebNovelFated Duo13.64%

Precinct 236 Finest

William sat at his desk in his private office. The criminal's wounds were being taken care of and he'll soon be behind bars once he was well enough. William looked at a vanilla file that sat at the edge of desk. His supervisor, Kendrick Klein, gave him a new case to work on only moments after he reported back to the office, knowing that William would start on it immediately. "You don't have to look into it until tomorrow," he said, but he knew that William was going to do it anyway. He was taking advantage of William, but the workaholic didn't notice or didn't even mind. He reached over and picked up the file then read the pages that were held within. It took only a few seconds before William was completely engulfed in the case.

Phoebe sat in her office with her blouse unbuttoned from the bottom and with only 3 buttons holding the shirt together.She liked to be as comfortable as possible during her down time. She was in her office finishing up the report.

She was very perceptive, making sure every last detail was included from what the criminal was wearing, which way he ran, why he was shot, the pedestrian reaction and etc. She was used to writing detailed reports like so she kinda enjoyed it. After typing the report she walked to Klein's office. Everyone that was working with them for years wasn't really taken off guard to Phoebe's indecency it was almost normal by now to see her do so in the office to turn in the report.

She would turn the handle to his office and let herself in.

"Here's the report, Willy and I are done for today-"

"Nope you guys have a new case that you can start tomorrow" Kendrick said as he looked up from a computer at his desk.

Phoebe ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "You Didn't tell Willy did you?"

He hesitated for a moment and clears his throat

"...Yes, he has the files"

Phoebe slammed her hands on his desk startling him a little

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT! I told you to hand cases to me and not to William!"

Kendrick stood up and slammed his hand on his desk to match Phoebe's rage.

"Phoebe would you stop yelling in my office...I told him to start it tomorrow "

He raised his voice sternly

"Bullshit! You know he's dedicated to his work! He's not your damn bloodhound dog so stop treating him like one!" Before storming out Phoebe flipped a pile of papers off his desk.

"You crazy bitch! Is this how you treat your elders!" Kendrick yelled as he tried to catch most of the papers falling to the floor.