WebNovelFated Duo18.18%


Phoebe walked with an attitude it was undeniable that she was mad about something.

She felt slightly disgusted with their boss.

'That fucker...How can Willy rest with a case in his hand? I know he's been up for days now'

She got to William's office door and stopped from turning the knob. She wondered for a split second about how she should get him to sleep.

'Hmmm its a bit extra but it'll work'

Instead she went to the break room and grabbed two cups of coffee. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a bag with some white powder in it and she put a good teaspoon inside stirring it in..

It was in fact a sleeping aid she uses but she knew William was probably gonna try and pull and all nighter again.

She went back to his office door and entered without knocking. She had manners but she believes in Informal ness among friends.

"Will~ what are you doing? Here have a drink with your partner for a job well done." She handed him the coffee with the sleeping aid hoping he wouldn't taste it mixed in there.

William glanced up from the papers to see a mug of coffee being held out to him. He mindlessly took the cup from her hands and set it beside him. Phoebe's behavior alarmed him. She almost never called him 'Will'. It was either 'Willy' or even 'William' when she was angry or serious, but never 'Will'.

"What did you do?" William asked as he continued to scan through the documents.

Phoebe sipped her coffee noticing her subconscious betrayed her.

"Did you break something?" William looked up at her

Phoebe shook her head as swallowing coffee threw off her uneasiness

Did you hit someone?" He brought his hand up to his face and rubbed his temples.

"No, don't tell me. It's too late for this. Whatever you did, I'll take care of it tomorrow," His brown eyes glanced over at the white mug.

"Oh no Willy, I didn't hit anyone...yet... You know how that bastard Kendrick gets under my skin sometimes" she chuckled a little and sat on his desk waiting for him to take a sip.

William felt that he needed all of the help he can get to make it through the night, he grabbed the cup and took a careful sip to prevent himself from burning his tongue. The strong black coffee masked the taste of the sleeping aid Phoebe had sneaked in.

"Willy I wish you'd take better care of yourself. I honestly wonder what you'll do without me" Phoebe teased while taking sips

"Excuse me? Who takes care of who in this partnership" he retorted back with a smirk. He continued to nurse the cup, taking small sips from time to time, he felt his eyelids grow heavier as his will to stay up slowly diminished. The beckoning darkness wrapped it's arms around William and pulled his body closer to the dark abyss that is sleep. He laid the mug down on his desk before reclining back in his chair. Why did he feel so tired all of a sudden?

He blinked his eyes, trying to fight the feeling off. Then everything clicked. "You drugged me....." William mumbled as he glared at Phoebe with tired, yet furious eyes.

She looked at him as he realized that his coffee was compromised.

"I'm sorry Willy...I did this for your own good" she sat the mug down at the edge of his desk and gathered the case files from his desk placing it on top of another surface in the office.

"I'm going..... to..." Before he could finish his threat, William's eyes fluttered closed as his head rolled to the side. Strands of his hair fell over his face, covering his eyes. It's been a while since he slept and his body was grateful for its much needed rest

"Willy your no use to me if you can't take care of your body...idiot" she would scold him as if he could comprehend what she was saying to him.

She scooted out his chair and placed his feet on his desk to make him somewhat more comfortable. "At least sleep for a few hours..." She continued to talk to him before drinking the rest of the coffee from his mug. As she needed the sleep aid as well. She would pull up a chair to his desk and lean her head on it. She stared at her hands thinking of the sins she's committed until she too fell victim to the darkness of sleep