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Rhea’s Autopsy

Upon arrival Phoebe parked in front of the building, a girl about 5'0 with green shoulder length hair. Her blue eyes resembled her sister's but her body features were smaller. She stood at the edge of the curve as Phoebe arrived. Her lab coat would flutter in the wind as it blew some of her papers that She held in her arms she was juggling an energy drink in the other hand. She looked relieved to see Phoebe's face.

Phoebe hopped out of the driver's seat and grabbed part of the girl's stack of papers and the ones that got away

"Rhea causing me trouble already~ " Phoebe teases her

"Why am I the smallest one in this family? My arms are so small.." she pouted

"That's because you're the youngest." Phoebe held the lab door open for her

Rhea stomped into the lab getting her frustrations out

"whatcha got for me?" Phoebe walked into the lab and down a long hallway beside Rhea.

"18 bodies, some have been dose with the drug Ketamine also there is some type of bruise on the arms of 15 bodies...What took you so long? They said you left moments ago " Rhea followed Phoebe no longer juggling the papers in her arm.

"I'm here aren't I? Show me the bodies and I'll give you a gift." Phoebe walked through plastic drapes and pulled her long hair back into a ponytail then into a bun before she sanitized her hands from a dispenser on the wall. She grabbed a pair of gloves and pulled them onto her hand. Rhea pouted and tossed her energy drink in the trash bin and did the same as Phoebe.

"I've laid out all 18 bodies as Mr. Klein asked, from first case to recent and the victims that I've found the drug in are marked.Also I can show you everything I've noted in the autopsy so far if needed." Rhea stood next to Phoebe with a clipboard ready to write down Phoebe's notes.

William walked out of his office and went in the elevator, going up a few floors. He maneuvered through the halls before stopping at a particular door. His slim fingers wrapped around the knob as he pushed the door open. William entered the dim room. He could hear the low hum of machinery around him. He was the only living organism in the room at this moment. He sat down at one of the few computers in the room and searched the vast databanks for the victims after scanning his I.D. into a small device next to the screen. Everything he could possibly want to know about an individual were in these computers. This was the most heavily guarded floor in this building. He had passed at least a dozen fully-trained agents who were armed and ready to act at a moment's notice. The lens of his glasses reflected the illuminating screen as he searched for any possible connections. Anything. Anything would be good. Hours passed and he was getting desperate. A faint dull ache was felt at the side of his head. He's been staring at the screen for too long. He needed to rest his eyes before it gets worse. He looked down at his watch. Few more hours. He'll give himself a few more hours to find something.

Phoebe took a deep breath and started her examination. Within a few hours of examining Phoebe noticed that a male and a female had a tattoo that was similar but different. A tattoo of the letters "MPVW" they were different styles but they were the same letters.

"Rhea...this is the only thing that wildly connects...I need to call Willy" Phoebe removed her gloves and sanitize her hands before her phone began to ring.

In that few hours he gave himself, he found something. He shot up to his feet and rushed out of the room. He found it. He finally found the connection.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and immediately called Phoebe.

Phoebe dug into her pockets for her cellphone "Ah, Willy I was just about to call you. Could you do a search on MPVW?"

"It's a game, listen to me I'll explain" William said as he picks up some printouts.

"They all have an account to an online game. I digged through their internet activity and found that they were all signed up for a virtual game called: MPVW - My Perfect Virtual World. Five days before he was murdered, Alec Marek joined a private server and engaged in conversation with the owner of the server. Three days after Alec, Mary Lou was invited and joined the same server. She too talked with the owner for at least an hour before logging off. They died the next week. The weeks where there's no activity are the weeks where he's online searching for the next victim. I tried to track the IP address of the server's owner, but he managed to scramble his cyber trail. He, or his partner, has to know his way around the computer to do something as complex as this. He needs the right equipment to do this as well. I already searched the purchases for these devices dating back all the way to a year ago, but there was over a thousand results in the general area. Anyway, I have a transcript of all 18 conversations. The killer's screen name is Hex. Since he's looking for his next victim, we can make an account to this game and try to make contact with this "Hex" guy. Maybe we can set up a trap and catch him in the act. Hurry and meet me back in my office," William said. He immediately hung up after saying what he needed to say and rushed back to his office by using the fire escape. The elevator was too slow. He was soon back in his office, scanning over the transcripts and seeing what kind of guy Hex is.