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Phoebe hung up the phone and placed it back into her pocket.

"I've played MPVW, it's overrated " Rhea mumbled

"Rhea I'm leaving, can you clean up for me? I promise to give you your gift after we solve this case alright?" She patted Rhea's head as she was leaving out of the plastic door.

"SURE! Just leave me with the mess...workaholic." Rhea would call out to her before keeping to herself.

Phoebe hopped back into her car thinking of what the killer's motive could be if any.

It was one of her favorite things in murder cases. Finding out why did you choose to take a life.

After a few miles on the highway she made it back to the office. Parking her car in a different spot where she can see her car from her office.

She would stop in the Station's cafe to grab some protein bars and a cup of tea, one for Willy and one for her. She made her way up to Willy's office and walked right in.

"Time to play some video games right?"

William looked up from his laptop as Phoebe entered his office. He had already read through the transcripts, figuring what kind of people the killer targets, and more importantly, what kind of person the killer is. "Perfect timing, Phoebe," William said. He spun the laptop around, having the screen face Phoebe. "Hex seems to be attracted to those who are confident and outgoing. I thought it would be best for you to create and control the character. Although the chances of meeting him right away is slim to impossible, this is our best bet for now. I have one of the best Technical Analyst trying to track him down, but even she acknowledged the killer's skill." William leaned back into his chair as he let out a heavy sigh. He slipped off his glasses, shutting his eyes before he began to rub his temples with his thumb and forefinger. He was getting a headache from staring at a computer screen for so long without resting his eyes. Upon opening his eyes, a wave of dull ache traveled through the side of his skull. "It's too bright," William mumbled under his breath as he slid his glasses back on.

"Well I do fit the description...but I hate games like these. My friend plays them, they're all about Escaping reality" Phoebe said as she placed a protein bar and a cup of tea in front of William. "Take a 15 and have a snack, it's an order" she said while sitting on his desk watching him. "Been overdoing it again? I told you that if you don't keep up with your body; you will be useless to me William." She got up and walked behind his desk and started to close the blinds as best as she could.

He opened his drawer, pulling out a bottle of pain relievers.

She watched him search in his drawers for his medicine. "Willy your in pain right? Just go lay down it's gonna take a minute to find this guy all you need to do is tell me how I get into the game…"

William immediately knew it was empty once he felt the lightness of the plastic container and the lack of rattling from the pills. There should be at least two pills in the bottle. He wouldn't put the bottle back in the drawer if it was empty. Who does that anyway? But more importantly, who the hell went into his room and took his pills? In frustration and anger, William shot up to his feet and threw the empty bottle across the room, letting it hit the wall with a loud thud. He immediately regretted this as the sudden movement caused another dull ache to ripple through his head. William sat back down in his chair with a groan.

"Phoebe watched the empty pill bottle fly across the room to a wall. She felt bad for her partner, there was nothing she could do for him sometimes but it would never stop her from trying for him.

"William stop throwing things and calm down.

We are gonna go to my house and your gonna get some rest or I'll have Kendrick take you off the case and I don't want that. We can stop and get some medicine on the way but for now you gotta sit back and ride it out okay?" Phoebe scolded him again.

She knew he was angry for other reasons but maybe threatening to pull him off the case could slightly calm him down and she could kill two birds with one stone.

"Don't argue with me either" she would mumble while she pulled out her cell phone from her right pocket and started to text Rhea about the game.

"Hex escapes into a false reality to prey on others that seek the same reality but yet destroys them in the real world? That's sounds like a great idea for a comic book"

Phoebe spoke aloud as she gathered the files from Willy's desk seriously ready to work from home "Come on, don't fight me on this and let's go"

He should know that Kendrick will never do such a thing. Even with Phoebe pressing a knife to his throat, he would never pull his most diligent worker from a murder case where more lives were at risk. If William could think clearly - if he didn't have this god damn headache - Phoebe's threat wouldn't even cause the slightest bit of alarm. However, that wasn't the case; it was far from it. Her threat worked. Not wanting to be dismissed from the case, William calmed himself down. He pushed himself up from his chair and slid his gun that rested at the edge of his desk back into its holster. "These are real lives that perished at the hand of this man. This would not make a good comic book because it gains profit from other people's misery," William commented in reply to Phoebe's ideas.

Phoebe was relieved that Willy was obedient and listened to her and her threats.

'Willy must really be out of it" she smiled and lead the way.

He followed behind Phoebe without objection as they left his office. In his hands were the cup of tea and protein bar Phoebe purchased for him. As they were about to exit the building, a man stopped William and decided to make conversation with the already annoyed and irritated individual. "Oh, hello Will. I went into your office yesterday to ask you if I could have some of your pain medication, but you weren't there, so I helped myself. I'm just letting you know," the man stated with a blithe smile.

"Pills?" Phoebe would recall her dear friend shaking an empty bottle and throwing it a moment ago. 'Is this guy new? Why is he trying to piss him off?'

"Hey, you want to go on a date with someone? My sister is looking for a guy and she's just your type," the man continued. William eyes were fixated on the other male as he spoke to him. He wasn't interested in the date, but he sure was interested in hurting him. He was holding a cup of tea that was very likely still steaming hot. There were so many things he could do to this bastard who took his medication without regard for the owner's well being. The protein bar broke and crumbled under William's finger as his grip tightening around the small rectangular snack. His lips pursed together, forming a slight frown. Those who knows him well enough would fully know what is going to come next. Those who are smart will run. "You like them small, cute, and submissive, right?" The man added, unaware of the great danger that stood before him.

William was a ticking time bomb right now and the sound of the granola bar wrapper crumpling up in his palm meant that it was Phoebe's time to intervene. She would rather get into trouble than William doing so.

Phoebe placed the files into Willy's arm.

Phoebe naturally hated people that purposely pissed Willy off, that was her job.

Phoebe grabbed the man by the collar yanking him back and forth before going off on him

"No Mr. Office Dick, He likes them Curvy, Sexy and Aggressive like me. How dare you stand here and waste our time? Not to mention you've broken and entered in a private office you had no business in. Do you know how important our cases are? Now you can be a suspect in every case we have just laying around in there!"

The man facial expression changed quickly as he thought how much of Phoebe's words were true

"It's just medicine I was sure Will wouldn't mind" the man replied as he shook his hands back in forth knowing he didn't want the trouble that was coming from Phoebe.

Phoebe was always blunt with her actions but to make sure he got what she was saying and more over saving his life she took it a little further.

She slammed him against the wall and pulled his arm behind his back. She grabbed her cuffs from her back belt loop and cuffed him in a way so that he's hugging the wall. "Im going to arrest you right now for breaking and entering, theft, drug Possession, accessory to 17 accounts of murder, and you have a gun on you so now it's armed robbery " Phoebe smirked as the man couldn't she her face not to mention how easy it felt to manipulate him onto the wall hugging restrain she put him in.

"No please! I'm sorry I just had a headache!" He shouted as Phoebe searched his pockets for his hand cuff key and his cuffs. "Let this be a lesson, stay out of his office prick" she reached her arms around the pleading man and undid his pants to make them fall to his knees.

"Willy~ let's go your wasting time" she joked and lead him away from the man. Hopefully most officers would be taking a lunch so the man wouldn't be discovered so quickly.

"Are you alright Willy? You should call the pharmacy for a refill so we can pick it up on the way alright." Phoebe went right back to the situation at hand not even phased by the thought of consequence any normal officer would think of.

A faint smile couldn't help but dance upon William's lips as he watched Phoebe jump on the man, threatening him with a list of charges that could be pressed onto him. The faint smile brought life back into William's features with the grizzly expression he once wore seconds ago disappearing without a trace. This whole scene amused William. It wasn't everyday where his partner leaves a grown man flustered and handcuffed all the while letting his trousers hang from his knees. However, his mind began to buzz with only the repercussions of Phoebe's actions. This was now another incident in the long list of assaults by Phoebe. He'll have to talk to Kendrick on behalf of Phoebe once again, apologizing for his inability to control his partner.