WebNovelFated Duo54.55%


Phoebe kept quiet the entire way to William's home. She was deep in thought, as she focused on the road. After parking she followed William through the lobby and into the elevator. Once they arrived inside she Felt the need to tease William.she placed her keys on a counter top while saying

"No wonder you can't sleep, I wouldn't be able to sleep here by myself either. Don't worry Willy let's have a fun sleepover alright?" She chuckled

Even though what she said was true for her, even her condo felt too big for her.

She tossed her bag on Willy's sofa and put her hair down. She went straight for William's closet.

Rummaging around looking for his undershirts and snuggle flannels. She could almost always find something with a price tag still Attached to it.

She clearly had no respect for boundaries when it came to William. She would strip down to her underwear and crawl into a robe.She found

a empty hanger and put the clothes she had in the bag on it.

"I'm gonna take a shower Willy, you should light a cigarette around this. I don't want the clothes to smell expensive. I have another perfume to make me smell like an idiot" she asked of Willy while laying it over the sofa couch.

After Phoebe laid her clothes down on the sofa and left, William lit another cigarette and began to smoke without any objection or hesitation. He let out a heavy exhale, then watched the grey cloud of smoke leave his lips and float up into the air where it disperses seconds later. Smoking calms him and he hated that. He was too dependant on these little cancer sticks. An internal conflict ravaged within him and it was simply over cigarettes. This is what some people may call a "love-hate relationship".

She walked into his luxurious bathroom with the clothes she pilfered from his closet. She showered and washed her hair.Her blonde hair curled as it came in contact with water.

'Something isn't right'

she could help but think about the case so she dried off and got dressed quickly wrapping her wet hair in a towel. She wore one of William's undershirts and a pair of shorts of his that she had to roll up a few times so it'll fit.

She walked over to the table with all the papers scattered across it looking for the dialogues between Hex and the victims and Hex and herself. But her dialog with him was totally different from the others so she Read it again, it sent a shiver up her spine rereading the foul grammar she demonstrated for that idiot.

But something stuck out to her, something that she didn't write let alone receive.

"Willy....the killer did see my face through the webcam. Look right here you wrote it down. "My hair will be tied up as well" my hair was tied up at the computer station as well...you know what that means right?" She said as she walked over to Willy's balcony opening the door and chucking the phone as far as she could. "I hope he didn't track that, maybe he's not that quick of a hack right? It could've taken him sometime to do that maybe?" Phoebe asked Willy after she returned inside. "Oh wow, I can't believe I let that happen...stupid laptops with webcams.."

She took a deep breath to help keep herself calm however she paced back and forth.

The small roll that was held between William's thumb and forefinger was suddenly crush by a sudden pressure, causing it to bend sideways. He forcefully pressed the tip of the cigarette against the glass ashtray on a side table located adjacent to the couch. William left the extinguished cigarette bud in the ashtray and crashed down onto the couch with a groan. "I am weak," William mumbled to himself.

He watched Phoebe as she threw her phone from the balcony and immediately began to worry about the chances of the mobile device hitting and possibly killing someone. He let her pace around between the living room and balcony, chastising herself.

When Phoebe felt guilty or a decision plagued Her mind she paced. She felt so guilty for falling for this trap that's similar to a trap once before in her past.

It was the reason she told Willy to disconnect the battery from the laptop since it could be hacked and turn on from across the world if it wanted to.

"William, I should leave and just stay at my house.If the killer does try to kill me tonight then shouldn't I be ready to kick his ass?"

William knew about Phoebe's tendency or habit to pace around when feeling extreme guilt or when a difficult decision plagued her mind. William didn't have to think twice to know she's doing this because of guilt. He pushed himself up off the couch and walked over to the other. Everything happened next went by in a quick blur, but William was soon hovering over Phoebe whose back was pressed against the wooden floor; he pinned her down. Despite his posh and dapper appearance, clothing/style wise, William was quite strong. Of course, when it came to brute strength, Phoebe was superior, but what William lacked in brute strength he made up in skill and strategy. He was able to take down the stronger female by targeting her joints, causing her to collapse to the floor. He then had to keep her from getting back up, which both needed skill and strength to achieve. If William took better care of his body and didn't force it to endure countless of sleepless nights and foodless days, he could build up his body and eventually be stronger than Phoebe as well, but that was highly improbable.

Their face were only inches, if not a singular inch, apart. "If I was the killer..." William said, trailing off as he ran his finger across Phoebe's abdomen. "You'll be dead," William finished before getting off of Phoebe and helping her off of the floor. "Besides Hex use of "as well" doesn't necessarily imply that he saw you. He could have used the term to simply describe his appearance. Think of "as well" as a fancy "and" Hex uses to feel more superior, like he's better and smarter than you," William said. His hazel eyes darted back to the plethora of transcripts that covered the surface of his entire coffee table. "However, we can never be too cautious. That's why you're staying here and that's why I will accompany you to your meeting with Hex tomorrow. I'll keep my distance, but I'll be there if anything happens."