WebNovelFated Duo59.09%

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Phoebe was lost in her own memory of a tragedy from a time when her cellphone and computer ended up being key items in her Mother's murder case. It was her greatest memory and her saddest memory. Solving the murder cases were what made her realize there was a place for her in the criminal justice field; however, she learned how she involuntarily played a big part in. The very thought that her devices could've been used to track her made her feel like she was being stabbed with a broad sword from inside of her abdomen.That guilt alone was enough to put Phoebe out of commission mentally and physically

"I'll keep you update.." was the last thing she said before she ended up on the floor.

She struggled to get out of Willy's pin but it was already too late, he was quick at hitting her weak points and subduing her.The towel holding her hair up would unravel and Immediately the smell of his brand of cigarettes suffocated her.She stared up at William's hazel eyes for a split moment and looked away as the words he spoke rang true. Phoebe could've died just now if Willy was the killer. She took a deep breath slowly letting it out. She took Willy's hand and pushed herself up. With a smirk she ran her fingers through her damp wavy hair. "He wish he was superior to me, I can't wait to kick his ass"

She adjusted William's clothes that were a little to big for herself re-rolling the shorts.

"Great I wouldn't want it any other way, tomorrow I want you to keep an eye on any other suspicious characters in the cafe definitely the staff. If Hex has an accomplice they will be present during the meeting. But maybe with a surgical knife he could've did it alone like how you just did." She thought aloud

Phoebe walked over to the couch where his cigarettes laid. She pulled them out of the pack one by one placing them into his ashtray. She would spark a match and toss it in the center of .

"After this case we're going back to training at least 2 hours 3 days a week. We are like ancient artifacts that need extra care in staying current and valuable. That means your gonna have to lay off these if you wanna survive it and your gonna need rest. Your takedown earlier was good for me, but does it work for everyone? " She nagged Willy with her orders as she felt like the trainer of the duo.

William watched as a billowing grey smoke rose from the elegant glass ashtray. Ambers flickered in a choreographed dance, occasionally swirling around the heavy smoke. William had mixed feelings about Phoebe's actions. On one hand, he would like to thank her for ridding the substance he's addicted to. But on the other hand, William wanted to yell at her for destroying his precious relaxants. He needed them, especially when he's working a case. The two opposing sides fought a bloody battle within the male's consciousness and after thousands of casualties, gratitude came out victorious. William ran his hand through his hair before he turned to look at Phoebe. That one insignificant action -- the running of his fingers through his jet-black hair -- spoke multiple phrases, revealing what the man was feeling without the use of words. Phoebe was the only person William knows of who could read and understand his little complex language. She is the only person who can pick up the subtle differences that distinguishes frustration from fatigue. This time it revealed that he was feeling uneasy. Was it because he just lost his cigarettes, or was it because he'll have to endure training with Phoebe? It could only tell so much.

"Ancient artifacts? We're only in our twenties," William replied

She walked over to the dining table and rubbed his shoulders down to his elbows

"You gotta build a little more upper body muscle and you need to eat more! I'm gonna get us some steak and potatoes from the store alright stay put while I'm out" she teased him as she put on his slippers and headed for the elevator

Before Phoebe could leave, William's hands grabbed at Phoebe's shoulders as he led her away from the elevator and towards his bedroom. "You are not going out dressed like that. I have a reputation to uphold and if you come out of my place dressed like that, I'll be slandered by everyone in the building," William scolded. "Why can't you wear your own clothes?" William complained as he removed his hands from her shoulders, going into his closet to look for something that will do a decent job at covering the woman than what she had on at the moment.

Phoebe chuckled at William. " Telling me that makes me want to do it more you know." She smirked "I don't live with my family for that exact reason you know. I'm tired of upholding reputations and besides it wouldn't hurt if people saw a female wearing your clothes leave this floor anyways" Phoebe teased Willy getting an overflow of excitement each time a chance presented itself.

Seconds later, William emerged from his closet with a trench coat in hand.

"Willy I'm not wearing that"

He slipped her arms into the long sleeves, then buttoned the oversized charcoal-grey coat

She looked up as William came out of his closet with the most hideous thing she thought he could think of.

"Willy I'm not wearing that..okay so your gonna put it on me anyway?" She let him finish buttoning up the coat before looking at where her hand came to in the sleeve.

It fit perfectly on him, but keep in mind that William was 6'3" and Phoebe was 5'3"; a staggering 12 inch difference. William let out a small chuckle at how ridiculous she looked. "It's an improvement from before."

Phoebe became completely flustered

"Improvement! This is a farce William, tell me you must be joking even I have standards!" She swatted him with the leftover room she had left in the sleeves of the coat.She would trip on the bottom of the trench coat as it got underneath her feet too easily too move around.

"YOUR SHIRTS ARE DRESSES TO ME! YET YOU GIVE ME THIS COAT THAT'S MADE TO LOOK LONG!" she scolded him and swatted at him some more "I'd rather go to the store naked, would you rather that? Because I can make it happen Willy. What would poor William Spade neighbors ever think of him if a woman left his abode in her birthday suit! " Phoebe threaten him as she undid the buttons to the ridiculously large coat.

Phoebe was never a fan of trench coats, they angered her. She always thought that it's the ultimate attention grabber yet in all old detective films they would wear them. She could never comprehend why and has always hated them.

"Im fine the way I am Willy, I could've been half way back by now" she pouted as she stopped unbuttoning the coat and let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it. She sighed "forget it let's just order in. You can bring the menus out there" She picked up the coat and tossed it to William before leaving his room back to the plethora of papers on the table. She was confident on nailing this hex guy on the day they would meet so she wanted to gather the materials she would reference in her report.

"Trench coat my ass" she mumbled