WebNovelFated Duo81.82%

Memories 5

Luckily for Phoebe her Brother's favorite Wine put her down easily than any other beverage.

Finishing off this bottle by herself provoked a hangover that nine beers and a chaser would cause.

She slowly began to toss and turn, giving her head a scratch then she pulls her fingers through her hair. A whimper escaped her lips as a sharp headache made itself noticeable. She laid her head back on to the expensive pillows William owned. They reminded her of her Father's home she lived in years ago. She used to constantly lay hungover in beds like Williams all the time. She let her head drop to her left side and she looked at him. 'It's a relief to see him sleeping' she thought before looking away.She turned her gaze back to the ceiling staring at it for a moment. She knew if she could focus on anything at all then she was able to get up and do her job. She slowly rolled her way out of bed on to her hands and knees. She felt her mouth start to water and crawled her way towards Willy's bathroom. She would make it across the cool marble floors to the toilet. She lift the seat and shoved her index finger down her throat throwing up the Wine that sat Inside of her stomach overnight. "Fuck! now I feel...somewhat better..."

She wiped her mouth and pulled herself up from the floor and hovered over the bathroom sink. She rinsed her mouth before grabbing her spare toothbrush and brushing her teeth. Phoebe didn't spend a lot of time in the bathroom in the morning like other girls. She simply liked to get in and get out. After brushing she splashed her face with water ,then patted her face dry. She left from the bathroom and out to the living area to put on her clothes that's been marinated in cigarettes.She stripped out of William's clothes she borrowed and folded them over the chair. She then continued to put on her clothes she had plan for today. She slipped on her black tights,burgundy skirt and the crop top shirt she loathed with the words "#ugly" printed on it. For the finishing touch she put her hair into a high ponytail and left her bangs to dangle revealing her one opal jeweled earring she never left the house without.

Phoebe reached into her bag and pulled out a tiny box no more than an inch and a half big. She walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. She would pop open the box to reveal a handful of medicines. They were from her therapist, however , Phoebe never took them. She felt that her shrink medicine turned her into a zombie that agrees to everything. She would be a perfect heir on that type of medication. Instead she picked out the one medicine that would benefit her at the moment which was a painkiller.She couldn't have her head throbbing so much during such and important event.

"Willy...if your not up soon I'll have to come in there to get you" she spoke lowly almost as if he was standing directly next to her. She did so on purpose since she wanted to surprise attack William.

Crying. Everyone around him was in tears. The tall walls were adorned with beautiful stained-glass mosaics. Above him, a Victorian chandelier hung from the high, arched ceiling. The lights were dim, perfectly matching the atmosphere of the occasion: a funeral. A collective few attended the ceremony, sitting scattered amongst the dozens upon dozens of pews. Sitting close together in the front row was the deceased's family: mother, father, both younger and older sister, niece, nephew, mother-in-law, father-in-law, husband, and child. To mourn the passing of their loved one, the family was dressed in black with not a strand of color to be seen. William, who was twelve, stood next to his father, staring at the rosewood casket that was a few yards away from him. The priest droned on, speaking over the wails of multiple grieving relatives. William looked away from his mother, craning his head back to look up at his father. Even the stoic and ruthless businessman had tears in his eyes. Whether it was silent tears or loud sobs, everyone was crying. Everyone was crying, except for William. He wondered why tears wouldn't come to his eyes. He wondered why he wasn't crying for his mother's death. The answer was simple: he wasn't sad. The sight of his mother's corpse didn't bring tears to his eyes. He was fully aware that she was dead and will never come back, but that knowledge didn't provoke any sorrow. He was indifferent and it wasn't long until people started to notice William's aloof behavior. He could feel eyes burning into his soul, judging him. 'Why wasn't he crying?' 'Is he mentally stable?' 'Does he understand what's going on?' 'DOES HE EVEN LOVE HIS OWN MOTHER?'

William's father glared at the young boy. The father was in pain after losing his beloved and when there is grief, there is anger. "What's wrong with you? Did you even love her? She was your mother, you ungrateful brat!" Mr. Spade snapped. The whole chapel fell silent. Mr. Spade, enraged, forcefully grabbed the child's arm, pulling the boy closer before bringing down his hand on William's cheek. The boy fell to the floor from the force of the slap, the sound echoing throughout the walls of the structure. It stung. The boy stared at his father, eyes wide, but no tears. This only angered the older male even further. He grabbed a fistful of William's hair and yanked him to his feet. Pain shot through the child's skull, causing him to cry out in pain as he was forced to stand. Suddenly, he couldn't breathe. A strong hand was wrapped around his thin neck, preventing air from traveling to his lungs. The chapel broke into a panic. William was clawing at his father's arm, trying to break away from his father's grip. With help from the priest, the father and son were finally separated after what had seemed like an eternity. After the father calmed down, everything proceeded as planned.

William was still asleep, lying peacefully on his side in the king-sized bed with the bed covers over his body. His chest gently rose and fell in a rhythmic fashion with every breath he took. When he wasn't awake -- when he wasn't bothered by the troubles of the world and his job --, he looked quite serene and content. He didn't notice that Phoebe was already awake and dressed. He was completely unaware of Phoebe's plan to launch a surprise attack on him.