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Hex the MPVW Killer 1

Phoebe left her medicine of the counter top as it was ,she would pick one up and hold it away from her face above in the light. "One day huh?" She would say to the pill referring to how she will never take it unless it was forced into her body. She never took her meds they were just for show for Rhea, for her not to worry and tell Phoebe's shrink which happens to be Rhea's mother. Rhea could never tell the difference between Phoebe on medication and Phoebe off medicine due to the fact that Rhea didn't trigger anything for her. When around other family members like her Father and step mother Phoebe's memories and emotions flood her conscience, making her feel a hurricane of emotions at once. Phoebe placed the pill back into its spot in the container, leaving it on the counter top as she spun around from it and hopped onto her feet.

A smirk grew on to Phoebe's face while she ogle a straight pathway to William as she planned to run and jump on him. This never grew old for her, she would always practice sneaking up on her brothers as if she was a lioness trailing her prey. Silently tiptoeing towards his room completely into it as if the tiniest sound would wake William. When she got to the door she peeked in the room to make sure he still laid peacefully. 'I'll feel bad about waking him later...but we do have things to do.' She thought before pacing herself,running into the room picking up enough speed to leap a whole yard in the air. Her skirt fluttered around as for the brief moment her underwear were visible through the opaque tights. She would land and get a secure grip on Williams arms just in case he had any reflexes to throw her off or anything. She's been injured before when doing so. "Willy~ wake up we gotta go catch a killer. Willy~ William~ Willy~ Willy~" she poked at him trying to be as annoying as possible so he would get up quicker.

Everyone was crying, sobbing loudly in their hands for the deceased. She was too young, too beautiful, and too important to die. Yet here she was, dressed in a fine white dress while lying inside of the box she would be buried in. The young child didn't know why, but he suddenly felt annoyed. They were all wailing so much to the point where it drove the child to the brink of madness. He wanted to yell at them to shut up, however, knowing better, he restrained himself. He's a perfect child.

"Don't whine. Don't raise your voice. Don't talk out if turn." The young child lived by these rules and more. It was suffocating yet he obeyed anyway. He didn't want to face the consequences of misbehavior. Not again.

"Willy~ " A directionless voice beckoned the child. The young boy looked up from the ground, startled when he saw a strange woman crouching before him.

"Wake up. We gotta go catch a killer," she said as she began to poke him.

'I'm a killer.'

William's eyes snapped open, immediately turning into a menacing glare that can bring any child to tears.

"What time is it?" William asked, his voice leaving his lips in husky, velvety ribbons.

"And is it too difficult for you to wake me up like a normal individual? There's no need for you to jump on top of me," William added.

Willy's glare even startled Phoebe

"Your so scary even when you wake up. No wonder kids run far away from you." A smile grew on her face "It's time to catch a killer. I told you that I can't wait to catch this bastard."

She let go of him and rolled over beside him and pulled his hair out of his face.

"Well, if I was a normal individual then simply we wouldn't be partners and your life would suck."

She rolled completely out of his bed, hopping up and fixing her clothes that reek of cigarettes and perfume.

"I'll let you get ready in peace but when your dressed we need to go over our plan once more. I'm gonna go check on my car I'll be back in 15 minutes"

"15 huh, she always does whatever." William

William got out of bed and prepared himself, He equipped on himself a combat knife and his state issued gun. He wore his usual professional clothes and his hair the same way. Taking him 15 minutes to get ready exactly.

"Willy are you ready?" Phoebe called out to him ready to go over the plan.

"So whats your plan?" William emerged from his room to join Phoebe.

"I'm going in alone by cab, he needs to see me arrive alone. I will leave Succubus with you." she said as she placed her gun on the table.

"So I'm gonna take your car and be on standby?" he nods and puts Succubus on his left holster

"Phoebe I need you to signal me, the moment something is off. " William pressed the button for the elevator.

"Of course I will, this is our only chance to catch to guy" Phoebe stood next to William and stepped into the elevator once it arrived.

City Cafe

Phoebe arrived and got out of the cab and looked at the building and around it. 'Seems normal'

William arrived before Phoebe in her car and parked it in the alleyway between the store and an actual parking garage.

Phoebe walked into the cafe and ordered herself a coffee, she told a waitress her name so Hex could find her. She was dedicated to her role as Sheryl so she acted superficial.

Hex was on time he looked at Phoebe up and down before sitting at the table with her.

"Hello It's me Hex, nice to meet you Sheryl" He said with a stern tone of voice.

"Hiya Hex, this is so cool! Meeting a fellow player from beyond the keyboard. Come on sit"

Phoebe smiled before taking a sip of her coffee

"I was a bit surprised that you would invite a Weeb like me out, you must really be outgoing."

Hex didn't return her smile but he decided to answer her. A waitress brought a cup of coffee to the table for Hex.

'When did he order that?' phoebe thought

"...yeah I get out a lot but I'm more interested in you. What's the highest grade you've ever completed?" He asked her as he stirred his coffee around in circles not actually drinking it

"Oh I'm going for my master's *cough* *cough*..." Phoebe said as she stopped herself in mid sentences and made herself cough

'What the fuck am I doing! I gotta sound uneducated'

William watched the corners of Hex mouth turn up slightly before Phoebe choked on her words

"Are you okay?" Hex asked while Phoebe reassured him she was okay

"S-sorry, I was saying I was going to have my masters in being popular as fuck"

Hex smirking expression slowly started to fade away


"Of course! You've must've seen how popular I am on MPVW." William poured tea as he watched from his peripheral vision as hex facial expression went back to an emotionless one.

" And as for your question earlier I've barely made it out of high school . I had to sleep with the old baldy principal. And I had to blow the English teacher" Phoebe whispered to Hex

Noticing the more bad for society she sounded the more menacing he seemed his expression made Phoebe smirk "what with that look hmm? Don't look down on me because I like to have fun hexy<3"

Hex was at his wits end with Phoebe

"Sheryl!" He rushed and put his finger to her lips

"No one is looking down on you, I'm actually glad you are the way you are. Let's get out of here"

He looked at her eyes as if it was a test Watching her reaction

Phoebe smirked "I'm ready when you are."