WebNovelFated Duo90.91%

Too Easy

The streets around the cafe was bustling, It was the start of rush hour for lunch time so not one would be paying attention to a girl and a suspicious guy walking into a parking garage.

Phoebe yawned as she followed Hex to the elevator of the parking garage. "I'm guessing you didn't park on the street. Which floor did you park on?" Hex repeatedly pressed the button to the elevator wanting it to come faster. To Phoebe it looked like he needed this kill.

"I parked on the underground 2nd floor" Hex was sweating, Phoebe could see it coming through his grey sweater. 'I get it' Phoebe smiled as she figured she would go along with Hex for a little longer. 'This isn't Hex...This is the accomplice'

William left the cafe slowly traveling behind Phoebe and Hex 'I had a bad feeling about this, his deterioration was getting worse. He's going to kill Phoebe.' William leaned on the wall of the parking garage and lit a cigarette as he smoked he could see Phoebe in his line of vision and it kept him at ease until the elevator arrives saying *"GOING DOWN"*

Phoebe smiled at William as she was escorted into the elevator.As Phoebe expected the was a guy in the elevator with a hood on. She could still see a scar across his cheek. 'This is the guy'

Phoebe put her back against the elevator wall and stood in between Hex and the hooded man.

As the elevator doors closed Phoebe was attacked

"What the hell are you doing unarmed…" William tossed the cigarette and glanced at the elevator to see which direction it was going. Then he ran for the stairs with his gun in hand.

The hooded man pulled out a sharp knife as Hex wrapped his arms around Phoebe to restrain her. "Don't talk, Don't move, You are going to die here today.." The hooded man snarled at Phoebe trying to scare her. "Not even my own father can tell me what to do!" Phoebe said with anguish while she pulled her knee to her chest and kicked the hooded man and using her body to drag down Hex and flipped him over her shoulder in to the elevator wall. The hooded man would grab his knife but Phoebe would disarm him again kicking it out of his hand and punching him in the face and stepping on the hand of Hex that was still on the elevator floor.

William made it down to the bottom floor and to the elevator as it would open up with Phoebe throwing the hooded man out of the elevator in an execution throw. William immediately cuffed the hooded man that was now unconscious Phoebe pulled the other guy from the elevator so William could do the same.

"The hooded one is the killer,this"hex" is an accomplice." Phoebe stated while William checked her out making sure she wasn't hurt.

"Im fine Willy" Phoebe pushed him aside while pickpocketing his pocket for his phone.

"You better be,I was worried for a second." William smiled as he looked down at the unconscious men.He checked the Hex in the grey sweater. He bled from his hand, Phoebe's heel must've punctured it. William pulled the sweater back on Hex's arm and noticed multiple needle wounds. 'He's an addict.' The case was solved without any deaths. He and Phoebe could move on to the next case.

Felicity's City Precinct 236 5:00pm

William sat in his office finishing up his report. Surprisingly there wasn't another case in his hands yet which was highly unordinary. "Done" William mumbled to himself. He grabbed the report and his things. He wanted to take his partner out to celebrate another solved case. So he head towards Kendrick's office and noticed Phoebe standing in the hallway before his door.

He would walk past her to hand in his report while saying "Why're you waiting out here." He knew she was trying to work up the apology he asked her to give.

"Well if it isn't my two favorite people in the building" Kendrick would tease knowing Phoebe was there for reasons other than work.

Phoebe would slam her hand on his desk "I-I'm… would you both like to go out for drinks" she said defeated. William looked at Phoebe and shook his head "Its that hard for you"

Kendrick got up from his desk and patted Phoebe's head and patted William on the back.

"You're both good kids treating this old man out for drinks and dinner." he chuckled and grabbed his blazer jacket.

In a circle sat William, Phoebe, Rhea and Kendrick all holding a mug of beer and soju over top of a grill at a local Korean BBQ restaurant. "Cheers!" they would all say before starting to drink and be merry.

'Aaaah this is great, food, friends and drinks. What a great way to end the night. Don't you agree?" Phoebe spoke out after chugging her drink.

William nodded and looked to his boss that put his arm around him "Yer good kids! Always overcoming obstacles" Kendrick talked already sounding drunk.

Rhea would chop some meat and serve it to everyone "Eat up everyone make sure to eat some side dishes with the meat."

"Your so kind my love, I have a present for you by the way." Phoebe smiled at Rhea and pulled out a key chain with a cartoon salamander and Rhea squealed "Sulky! How did you find this one!" she slowly cuffed her hands as Phoebe gave it to her. "I found it and thought about you."

As Rhea put her key chain in her purse for now she seen a letter she was supposed to give to her sister. "Sis by the way…. I have a letter for you please read it" Rhea held the letter out to Phoebe.

Phoebe stared at the letter hesitating to grab it. It was directly from her father Uranus. William knew Phoebe had a hard time with her dad but he patted her back to give her support like she would give to him. Phoebe felt a little comfort from Willy she knew he lacked those emotions but he was trying.

She took the letter from Rhea placing her nailed under the Mimosa! Seal. She would open the letter and read it immediately.

She was silent, her hands shook, she looked disconnected and devastated.

"Phoebe what's wrong?" William asked fearing what was in the letter that staggered his dear friend.

"Cronus is getting married….G-grace will be there…." Phoebe stumbled over her words but Kendrick's drunk demeanor seemed to sober straight up after making out the name he heard.

"Grace Kuruga being released…."