Chapter 8

There was a somber atmosphere present in the Adventurers Guild today. After their scout party had returned a few hours back, the news they brought back shocked many. Immediately an urgent meeting was called into place and all the higher-ups of the Adventurers Guild had assembled.

Anssa Roy and Charlotte Stark stood before the great council of the Adventurers Guild and recounted all the details of their journey in the lumberry forest. They also didn't forget to mention the brave sacrifice of Aryan Hawthorne as well as the underhanded deeds and cheap tactics of the skeleton monster, and upon recounting the deaths of Maylum and Nadia they both shed a few rounds of tears.

This was indeed a huge loss of talents for the Adventurers Guild as the higher-ups sighed with regret. The lumberry forests were labelled as "medium-difficulty", to a group of two and three-tier mages it would be a walk in park, albeit with a few difficulties but nothing to the extent that it would cost them their lives. Originally, the higher-ups thought of this being a good opportunity and experience for their young talents, but who would have thought that things would drastically change to such an extent.

"Father, that vile thing can use dark magic and it's as strong as a four-tier mage! We should inform the Church Of Light and have that thing annihilated.", Anssa Roy spoke with her eyes brimming with hate. Usually she was a proud aloof girl that didn't care for things like friendship but after spending three months together with Charlotte, Nadia, Aryan and Maylum, she considered them all as her best friends. They were all proud geniuses that were aloof and when they were all brought together to complete a task, they surprisingly got along quite well.

Charlotte Stark spoke out in unison, with her eyes reddened, she glanced at an elderly that was seated beside Raymond Roy, "Grandfather, Nadia was so ruthlessly killed by that beast! Are you not going to take any action?"

Hearing so, the elderly, Crimson Stark said with anger, "That thing was already dead to me the moment I heard it killed my granddaughter Nadia."

Angmund Stark, The President of Adventurers Guild and also Anssa's father stood up and said, "Even if the thing didn't use dark magic, we would have still killed it but now that we know it uses dark magic, things have become quite simple."

"We will inform the Church of Light about the dark creature, they will dispatch their group of radiant knights and we will join them to witness the eradication of the vile creature."

The next step was pretty easy as the Adventurers Guild send the evidence and report of the existence of a skeleton creature capable of using dark magic to the Church of Light.

Church of Light was one of the foremost powers in the whole continent, they had branches in almost all the kingdoms throughout the continent.

When the Church of Light in Andrusa Kingdom received the reports and also a physical evidence of the evil creature: a skeletal hand that showed presence of dark magic, they immediately send a message to their main branch in the Heaven Resplendent Empire.

It took only a few minutes before an immediate response was received: Sir Luthur along with the Radiant Knights of Tenth Division would arrive to Andrusa Kingdom in the next three days to deal with the evil creature.