
1957: Burlsville, North Carolina

Under the cloak of night, in the safety of the vast wooded area, the creature lies and waits. Its stomach grumbles loudly, begging for food; something it has been deprived of for many days. Its once solid body begins to wither as the skin and furs clings hopelessly to the little meat still left on the bones.

Across the field, it watches its prey. A herd of goats lay huddled together on this cool damp night, unaware of the danger. Licking its lips it crouches into position, ready to spring itself into action. Just beyond the field sits an old ramshackle wooden house. On the dry-rotted porch lies a healthy German Shepard sleeping.

As the wind begins to rustle the leaves, the creature begins shaking in anticipation. Its hunger pains growing more unbearable with each passing second. No longer able to control itself, it springs into action, running full speed across the field. Under foot, the leaves crunch and crumble; the only warning of its presence. In seconds it clears the the wooden fence and snatches one of the goats, crushes its throat, and begin to feed. In fear the others runs screaming to the other side of fence; unable to escape. Tonight a feast fit for a king is for it to enjoy.

The cries of the goats awaken the dog, and it launches off the porch; ready to fulfill the duties bestowed upon it by its master. Running, barking its warning, he leaps across the fence, all four paws landing perfectly in front of the screaming goats, Growls rip from him as he bares his pearly white teeth. The creature is unamused and continues to feed.

The growls become more vicious, but still the dog's warning goes unheeded. Tossing the small goat aside, the creature crouches into a defensive position and prepares for the inevitable. A snarl, the final warning rips from the dog as he launches himself at the creature.

Locking up, they bite and claw each other, trying to annihilate one another. Growls and snarls wail from each animal as they sink their teeth repeatedly into their enemy. The goats cry, pleading for help for their gracious defender. The battle rages on, and they seem to equally match. Blood is beginning to saturate the ground as it pours from their many fresh wounds. The creature begins to grow weak and agitated. It can feel the end creeping slowly upon it. Not willing to succumb to the dreaded feeling, it makes one final stirke. Sinking its razor sharp teeth into the side of the dog's neck, it crushes the dog's throat.

Immediately, the poor German Shepard falls limp and the creature savors the sweet taste of victory. Draining the blood of its attacker, it continues to enjoy the buffet of delectable meat.

I was to late to help my beloved pet and livestock. The only thing that remains from that fateful night is fear and a shadowy glimpse of the creature that stole my livelihood. Every night, I wait, shot gun ready, for it to return; so I can take the only thing it has to give. Its life.